
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Does pending_approval.php work from uploads/espresso/templates ?

Does pending_approval.php work from uploads/espresso/templates ?

Posted: January 21, 2014 at 10:49 am

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Daniel Smith

January 21, 2014 at 10:49 am

pending_approval.php is listed in which implies it can be copied to the uploads/espresso/templates directory and modified there. However I’m not seeing my changes to that file reflected in the front-end.

Furthermore, in

event_espresso/includes/process-registration/pending_approval_page.php (line 83)

it just seems to require pending_approval.php from the EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH / templates directory, where as most other places templates are pulled in, the code looks something like this:

[code language=”php”]
// Pull in the template
if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php")) {
require_once(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "confirmation_display.php"); //This is the path to the template file if available
} else {
require_once(EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "templates/confirmation_display.php");

I can’t find any reference in the code to EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR in conjunction with pending_approval.php.

Has anyone managed to override the default by modifying pending_approval.php in the uploads/espresso/templates directory?

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Smith.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Smith.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Smith.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 1 month ago by Daniel Smith.


  • Support Staff

January 21, 2014 at 1:45 pm

Hi Daniel,

Thanks for reporting. This has been fixed in the development that’s under development that will be released as Event Espresso 3.1.37.P. The code starting on line 83 of pending_approval_page.php now reads:

if (file_exists(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "pending_approval.php")) {
    		require_once(EVENT_ESPRESSO_TEMPLATE_DIR . "pending_approval.php");
		} else {
    		require_once(EVENT_ESPRESSO_PLUGINFULLPATH . "templates/pending_approval.php");
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