February 8, 2013 at 4:41 am
I want to show a small version of the featured image, as well as some other additional such as the start and end time in the widget.
<?php echo '<b>Tijd:</b> '.do_shortcode('[EVENT_TIME event_id="'.$event_id.'" type="start_time" format="H:i"]'.' - '); ?>
The above code example works, when I am in an EE page (for instance registration), but on any other page of the site all additional info that was called through do_shortcode has dissapeared.
EE page exampe: http://www.zacht-hart.nl/event-registration/?ee=1
Other page example: http://www.zacht-hart.nl/brabant-breda/
Is there a way to resolve this and to have this working on all site pages?
So far I have found no other way to resize the featured image than by using the do_shortcode option as used below.
<img width="41" height="41" src="" />