
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Displaying event city on past events list

Displaying event city on past events list

Posted: July 8, 2014 at 5:00 am

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Daniele Pavinato

July 8, 2014 at 5:00 am


I need help. I created a page that display the past events archive, but i need to retrieve the city of the past event.

See the code belaow used for this purpose:


function espresso_custom_template_past_events(){

	global $this_event_id, $events, $wpdb;
	foreach ($events as $event){
		$button_text 		= __(&#039;&#039;, &#039;event_espresso&#039;);
		$alt_button_text	= __(&#039;View Details&#039;, &#039;event_espresso&#039;);//For alternate registration pages
		$externalURL 		= $event-&gt;externalURL;
		$button_text		= !empty($externalURL) ? $alt_button_text : $button_text;
		$registration_url 	= !empty($externalURL) ? $externalURL : espresso_reg_url($event-&gt;id);

	//Get all categories data
	$sql_cat_name = &quot; SELECT * FROM &quot; . EVENTS_CATEGORY_TABLE;
	$temp_cats = $wpdb-&gt;get_results($sql_cat_name);

	foreach ($temp_cats as $category) { 

		$sql_start_end = &quot;SELECT * FROM &quot; . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . &quot; WHERE end_date &lt; DATE(NOW()) AND category_id =&quot; . $category-&gt;id;

		$temp_start_end = $wpdb-&gt;get_results($sql_start_end);

		if( !empty($temp_start_end) ) : ?&gt;

			echo &#039;&lt;h3&gt;&#039;.$category-&gt;category_name.&#039;&lt;/h3&gt;&#039;;

			//Get all pasts event
		    foreach ($temp_start_end as $past_event){


		    	$string = $past_event-&gt;event_desc;
				$match = wp_extract_urls( $string );?&gt;

				 &lt;li class=&quot;event&quot;&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;title&quot;&gt;&lt;?php echo $past_event-&gt;event_name; ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;date&quot;&gt;&lt;?php past_date_check($past_event); ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;place&quot;&gt;
							echo do_shortcode(&#039;[ESPRESSO_VENUE event_id=&quot;&#039; . $event-&gt;id . &#039;&quot; show_image=&quot;false&quot; show_title=&quot;false&quot; show_description=&quot;false&quot; show_address=&quot;false&quot; show_additional_details=&quot;false&quot; show_google_map_link=&quot;false&quot; show_map_image=&quot;false&quot; outside_wrapper=&quot;span&quot; title_wrapper=&quot;span&quot; ]&#039;);
							// if($past_event-&gt;city !== &quot;&quot;){
							// 	if($past_event-&gt;venue_title !== &quot;&quot;){								
							// 		echo $past_event-&gt;venue_title . &#039; - &#039; . $past_event-&gt;city;
							// 	}else{
							// 		echo $past_event-&gt;city;	
							// 	} 
							// } 
					&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;?php echo stripslashes($match[0]); ?&gt;&quot;&gt;Programma&lt;/a&gt;

					&lt;?php if($match[1]) : ?&gt;
					&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;?php echo stripslashes($match[1]); ?&gt;&quot;&gt;Relazioni&lt;/a&gt;
					&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

		&lt;?php  }  ?&gt;





Daniele Pavinato

July 8, 2014 at 5:01 am

I’m sorry, the correct one is this:


function espresso_custom_template_past_events(){

	global $this_event_id, $events, $wpdb;
	foreach ($events as $event){
		$button_text 		= __(&#039;&#039;, &#039;event_espresso&#039;);
		$alt_button_text	= __(&#039;View Details&#039;, &#039;event_espresso&#039;);//For alternate registration pages
		$externalURL 		= $event-&gt;externalURL;
		$button_text		= !empty($externalURL) ? $alt_button_text : $button_text;
		$registration_url 	= !empty($externalURL) ? $externalURL : espresso_reg_url($event-&gt;id);

	//Get all categories data
	$sql_cat_name = &quot; SELECT * FROM &quot; . EVENTS_CATEGORY_TABLE;
	$temp_cats = $wpdb-&gt;get_results($sql_cat_name);

	foreach ($temp_cats as $category) { 

		$sql_start_end = &quot;SELECT * FROM &quot; . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . &quot; WHERE end_date &lt; DATE(NOW()) AND category_id =&quot; . $category-&gt;id;

		$temp_start_end = $wpdb-&gt;get_results($sql_start_end);

		if( !empty($temp_start_end) ) : ?&gt;

			echo &#039;&lt;h3&gt;&#039;.$category-&gt;category_name.&#039;&lt;/h3&gt;&#039;;

			//Get all pasts event
		    foreach ($temp_start_end as $past_event){

		    	$string = $past_event-&gt;event_desc;
				$match = wp_extract_urls( $string );?&gt;

				 &lt;li class=&quot;event&quot;&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;title&quot;&gt;&lt;?php echo $past_event-&gt;event_name; ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;date&quot;&gt;&lt;?php past_date_check($past_event); ?&gt;&lt;/div&gt;
					&lt;div class=&quot;place&quot;&gt;
							if($past_event-&gt;city !== &quot;&quot;){
								if($past_event-&gt;venue_title !== &quot;&quot;){								
									echo $past_event-&gt;venue_title . &#039; - &#039; . $past_event-&gt;city;
									echo $past_event-&gt;city;	
					&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;?php echo stripslashes($match[0]); ?&gt;&quot;&gt;Programma&lt;/a&gt;

					&lt;?php if($match[1]) : ?&gt;
					&lt;a href=&quot;&lt;?php echo stripslashes($match[1]); ?&gt;&quot;&gt;Relazioni&lt;/a&gt;
					&lt;?php endif; ?&gt;

		&lt;?php  }  ?&gt;






July 8, 2014 at 6:52 am


If you are using the Venue Manager then the venue details are held in another table (events_venue) and there is also a relational table (events_venue_rel).

You could either do acouple more SQL queries – a request to events_venue_rel to get the associated venue and then a request to events_venue to get the actual venue data.

Or you could do a request to events_venue_rel for the associated venue id and then use the ESPRESSO_VENUE shortcode in a do_shortcode() function.

Daniele Pavinato

July 8, 2014 at 7:02 am

Thanks Dean, but I REALLY need to solve this problem sooner possible.
So, can you write for me an example that I can to modify as my needs?

Daniele Pavinato

July 8, 2014 at 7:28 am



July 8, 2014 at 7:38 am

Glad you got it figured out!

Daniele Pavinato

July 9, 2014 at 3:57 am

Hi, this line code $sql_past_events = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE end_date < DATE(NOW()) AND category_id =" . $category->id; retrieves all past event from a specific category but not in DESC o ASC order.

I need that are in ASC order (by start_date or end_date), but the start_date or end_date column is a string type.

How can i display all past event ordered by ASC start or end date?


Daniele Pavinato

July 9, 2014 at 4:16 am

This is an example


  • Support Staff

July 9, 2014 at 4:46 am

Hi Daniele,

You’ll want to use the ‘ORDER BY’ SQL Keyword.

Basically add:

‘ORDER BY date(start_date), id ASC’

To the end of the Query. So something like:

$sql_past_events = "SELECT * FROM " . EVENTS_DETAIL_TABLE . " WHERE end_date < DATE(NOW()) AND category_id =" . $category->id . " ORDER BY date(start_date), id ASC";

Should work as you are expecting.

Daniele Pavinato

July 9, 2014 at 4:54 am

Thank you very very much!! Mi mistake was to write ORDER BY start_date without the function date()


  • Support Staff

July 9, 2014 at 5:38 am

You are most welcome Daniele 🙂

I will mark this thread resolved, if you do have any other questions feel free to start another.

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