
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Discount codes can´t be activated

Discount codes can´t be activated

Posted: November 1, 2012 at 11:57 am

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November 1, 2012 at 11:57 am


I am having trouble activating the discount codes for the events. There´s no problem generating the codes they do appear code list but as I try to update it this error pops out:
Array ( [coupon_code] => UNID4810 [coupon_code_price] => 100.00 [coupon_code_description] => Código utilizado para pagos de tickets en efectivo para estudiantes UNID. 31/10/2012 [use_percentage] => Y ) Number of vars: 4
Number of cols: 4

In the configuration of the event to select a specific code, the code I want to activate is not appearing as an option. I know there is no limit in quantity of times one code is used but, is there a limit in generating codes? Even if I have the Developer License?

I would appreciate your help, hope to receive and answer soon.Thanks

Best regards.


  • Support Staff

November 1, 2012 at 2:29 pm

Hi Elena,

Can you check to see who created the event, and compare this with who created the promo code? If you’re using the roles and permissions add-on, the promo codes need to be created by the same user account that created the event in order to be available to select in the event editor.

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