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Discount code option not showing on event when using the shopping cart.

Posted: September 21, 2012 at 4:53 pm

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September 21, 2012 at 4:53 pm

I have set up an event with early registration discount (which is working) and discount code for members, which works only when the event is purchased individually. I wish for people to register for multiple events and still be able to use their discounts. Please help.

Seth Shoultes

September 22, 2012 at 12:15 am

Sorry! I missed this post earlier. I will try to post the instructions of how to activate the coupon codes in the shopping cart when I get to a computer (typing from my phone at the moment).


September 22, 2012 at 5:57 pm

Thank you I hope it is not to difficult.


September 23, 2012 at 3:41 pm

Please do send the code…
another question: I also wanted to know if you have a built in “honey pot” to protect the forms from spam submission and email being use by non-member I hate Captchas.

Seth Shoultes

September 24, 2012 at 8:28 pm

Please have a look at this post for details:


September 25, 2012 at 7:45 am

So this is your response on the other post: (for the followers)
> We removed the coupon code system form the Multi Event Registration at
> one point in time because the system will allow you to enter the
> discount code for all events and discount all events in the cart. We
> are however working on changing this behavior so that it only
> discounts the events that have the specific code that was entered.
> If you would like to turn it on for your site, please open the
> event-espresso/templates/shopping_cart.php in your code editor and
> find the code around line #90 that looks like this:
> Remove the and
> So it should look like this:
> Once the changes are done. You should copy the file to the
> /wp-content/uploads/espresso/templates/ directory on your server.

To clarify on the behavior of this code — will produce one coupon discount box, which will apply the discount to each of the items in the cart [result 1]or the total of the cart [result 2]?
item 1 = $20
item 2 = $80
item 3 = $100 I want to discount only this event $10
Total Due should be $190

Result 1 [discount applied to each item]
Percentage Discount 10% applied is 2+8+10= $20 discount total due= $180
Cash Discount $10 = (will be applied to each dropping their prices to $-10, $-10, $-10 = discount of $30) Total due $170.

Result 2 [total of the cart]
Total Due: $200 (without discount)
Discount 10% = $180 total due
Discount $10 = $190 total due

I know I could test this myself but others will have the same question until the fix is out. So your answer could save us all time.

Julia CApon

September 25, 2012 at 3:18 pm


This fix didn’t work for me. Can you make any other suggestions on how to use the discount code feature?


Seth Shoultes

September 25, 2012 at 3:21 pm

@CFLPOA the discount will be applied to the total cost of the registration.

Seth Shoultes

September 25, 2012 at 3:33 pm

@Julia Please send WordPress admin level log in and FTP credentials via the contact form on this page:

Select the “I am sending login info as requested” department form.

That way we can change it for you.

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