
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Deleting old events/transactions

Deleting old events/transactions

Posted: November 1, 2023 at 2:15 pm

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November 1, 2023 at 2:15 pm


I just wanted to check if there is any update on adding in an easier way to remove old events and transactions than having to delete each payment, first then the registrations then the events. For larger number of events this is a very long winded process to try and keep the website GDPR compliant and only storing details for as long as needed.


  • Support Staff

November 15, 2023 at 6:26 pm

Hi there,

My apologies for the delayed reply.

So we have had this within Event Espresso core for a while now, but when you delete and Event it will work out all of the related data for the event and delete it for you.

So for example, if I go to Event Espresso -> Events.

Hover over an event and trash it:

Then go to the trash filter at the top of the list tale and find the event again, now hover and Perm delete the event.

You should see a batch job like this:

That’s processing all of the related data for that event, it will then give you an overview and ask you to confirm:

As your deleting records form the database here I’d recommend creating a database backup just to be safe.

Click the checkboxes to confirm and then delete, you’ll see another batch job:

Then the event and its related data (registrations, payments etc) will have been removed.

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