Posted: February 3, 2025 at 9:41 am
Can you advise how to delete registrations from past events so that when user comes to register for a new event (duplicate of a past event) they don’t get an error message saying that their email is already on the system. |
Hi there, So that ‘error’ isn’t really an error; it’s stating their email is already in the system as a WP user and requires them to log in so that their registration is linked to their user account. Deleting past registrations won’t prevent that from happening but you can disable that email check using a snippet: Just add that line of code onto your site, you can add it to a custom functions plugin for example: That will skip the user match check and prevent the above. |
Hi Tony, |
Hi Tony, |
OK, so then yeah that’s not registrations but WP User accounts. The whole idea of generating a user account is the opposite of what you are trying to do here so learning out the WP user accounts for each event is going to take some work on your part for this. We don’t have a method for bulk removing WP User accounts built into Event Espresso but you can it via the standard WordPress method. So to start, if you want rid of the registrations (not the User accounts) then the quickest way to remove them is to delete the previous event… when you trash and then perm delete the event EE will bulk delete the related data (registrations, transactions, payments, messages etc) for that event. Once you’ve done that you can go to Dashboard -> Users. Select the WP user accounts you want to delete there and then in the bulk option select delete. — May I ask, is it worth you generating WP user accounts for your registrations if you then want users to re-register and have new accounts again? I’m asking as if not you could just disable the WP User integration add-on and just use event registrations without them. |
Side note (important) Make sure you have a database backup before moving forward with the above, if something is accidentally deleted when doing the above you can’t get it back so the dacbkup will be the only way to get hold of that data again. |
Hi Tony, |
People use the term ‘event’ too loosely here, so to confirm, you clicking to duplicate the event as a whole, correct? This: If so, yes it will still work, the duplicate event is now another separate event. Your deleting the original event where the registrations are assigned to.
The WP user integration add generates WP users based on the registration form data provided during a registration (first name, last name & email address), disabling it will prevent that from happening. No, it will not allow people to create multiple accounts with the same details (that’s not allow within WordPress itself and therefor not allowed within EE as its just ‘using’ WP user accounts). There is no system that will allow you to create a user account and then create another with exactly the same details, the whole point of creating a user account is to prevent that from happening. Think of say your Amazon account, it doesn’t allow you to just create multiple ‘instances’ of an account as it would never know which account your login into with them all being the same, the same applies here. |
Hi Tony, Thanks. Re: so to confirm, you clicking to duplicate the event as a whole, correct? Yes that’s right. Re: The WP user integration add generates WP users based on the registration form data provided during a registration (first name, last name & email address), disabling it will prevent that from happening. So to confirm, if we disable the WP user integration addon, the next time we need to setup a new event we’d duplicate the event and then just delete the previous event and there would be no WP user accounts to delete, allowing users to re-register using the same email address. |
Actually, if all you want to do is allow registrations and no longer check for/create WP User accounts from the registration data then all you need to do is disable the WP user integration add-on. EE will then use just the ‘core’ functionality and allow whatever registrations using whatever data. The users will not be able to log into the site to view the registrations and no new user accounts will be created but they can then register onto the event with whatever details they prefer (be it an existing WP user account data or not). |
Hi Tony, So are you saying that as we currently stand, if we simply disable the WP user integration add-on we don’t have to delete previous events or user registations or do we need to make the deletions first, then disable the WP user integration add-on and from there on we wouldn’t have to delete previous events or user registrations (as user accounts won’t be created)? |
Correct. If all you want is to freely allow registrations without the user logging in, just disable the WP user integration add-on and you’re done. |
Hi Tony, Sorry, last question. Is it possible to just delete the user accounts and leave the previous events and associated data or are the user accounts tied to the previous events preventing them from being just being deleted? |
No, the WP User accounts aren’t tied to the events so you can delete them if you wish. |
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