
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium datepicker localization

datepicker localization

Posted: October 8, 2013 at 3:54 am

Nadir Al-Badri

October 8, 2013 at 3:54 am

i followed the links provided here:
to change the localization of the date picker to german in eventespresso/scripts/ui.datepicker.min.js . However the date picker stays in US format.
I use latest EE (new install) and WP. Any advice?


October 8, 2013 at 4:58 am


There isn’t a simple way to do this yourself. You would need to download and include the correct jquery.datepicker language file (probably best via the custom files addon) and then modify the .datepicker jQuery dotted about the plugin (e.g. add_new_event.php and edit_event.php) to reflect the new language request.

Nadir Al-Badri

October 9, 2013 at 3:05 pm

Thanks, that was easy. I just changed the code on the 2 pages and it was working.

<code>jQuery(&quot;.datepicker&quot; ).datepicker({
				changeMonth: true,
				changeYear: true,
				dateFormat: &quot;dd-mm-yy&quot;,
				showButtonPanel: true,
				prevText: &#039;<zurück&#039;, prevStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        prevJumpText: &#039;<<&#039;, prevJumpStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        nextText: &#039;Vor>&#039;, nextStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        nextJumpText: &#039;>>&#039;, nextJumpStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        currentText: &#039;heute&#039;, currentStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        todayText: &#039;heute&#039;, todayStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        clearText: &#039;-&#039;, clearStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        closeText: &#039;schließen&#039;, closeStatus: &#039;&#039;,
        monthNames: [&#039;Januar&#039;,&#039;Februar&#039;,&#039;März&#039;,&#039;April&#039;,&#039;Mai&#039;,&#039;Juni&#039;,
        monthNamesShort: [&#039;Jan&#039;,&#039;Feb&#039;,&#039;Mär&#039;,&#039;Apr&#039;,&#039;Mai&#039;,&#039;Jun&#039;,
        dayNames: [&#039;Sonntag&#039;,&#039;Montag&#039;,&#039;Dienstag&#039;,&#039;Mittwoch&#039;,&#039;Donnerstag&#039;,&#039;Freitag&#039;,&#039;Samstag&#039;],
        dayNamesShort: [&#039;So&#039;,&#039;Mo&#039;,&#039;Di&#039;,&#039;Mi&#039;,&#039;Do&#039;,&#039;Fr&#039;,&#039;Sa&#039;],
        dayNamesMin: [&#039;So&#039;,&#039;Mo&#039;,&#039;Di&#039;,&#039;Mi&#039;,&#039;Do&#039;,&#039;Fr&#039;,&#039;Sa&#039;],
      showMonthAfterYear: false

Nadir Al-Badri

October 9, 2013 at 3:09 pm

sorry code came out wrong and i cant edit it anymore either….

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