
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Date Selector Checkboxes

Date Selector Checkboxes

Posted: March 2, 2023 at 11:45 am

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March 2, 2023 at 11:45 am


Is there anyway to alter the date selector to have radio buttons instead of checkboxes for the different dates or to automatically only allow one checkbox to be ticked. I want to limit customers to only have the option for 1 set of tickets on screen to buy as otherwise they see 2 sets of tickets with the same name and no indication which one is for which date.

Thanks for your help


  • Support Staff

March 2, 2023 at 5:57 pm

Hi Gordon,

Not currently, however, we will be introducing the ability to filter the ticket selector (and dates) down using the datetime ID within the event URL into a future version of Event Espresso, would that help for your use case?

Would only show the tickets linked to datetime 111 on that event, is that what you are looking to for?


March 5, 2023 at 10:23 am

It might do the trick. The current system isn’t unworkable butI can imagine I am going to have customers accidentally select more than 1 date/time when booking and buying tickets for the wrong date I was just hoping for a way to counter this if I can. An example of the booking page is here:
That may let you see more easily if that would work or not. I will see how it goes with this one….not had any issues yet.


  • Support Staff

March 6, 2023 at 8:29 am

You have a bit of an issue with z-index on that page.

The top events datetime list displays below the even below it and thats happening because the parent element has had a z-index of 1 set. Child elements can’t have a higher index than their parent so they display below everything else on the page.

To fix it on that specific page you can use some additional CSS:

.page-id-318 .x-col.e318-e17.m8u-5 {
    z-index: auto;
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