
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Date position Event List

Date position Event List

Posted: September 2, 2013 at 2:49 pm


September 2, 2013 at 2:49 pm

Hi Guys,
Hope someone can help with this query please;

I’ve got a client who I’m customising the ‘Event List’ page for –
How can I lower the dates below the Event Title that I’ve all ready lowered down to make it a standard setting for future events. The Events are an id, and not a class, so I can’t individually class each one.
Here is a screenshot of what I’m trying to achieve
I’ve done the 1st event after writing this;

p#event_date-1 {
position: relative !important;
top: 30px !important;



  • Support Staff

September 2, 2013 at 4:52 pm

When calling the [EVENT_LIST] shortcode you can add a css_class attribute to the shortcode as follows:

[EVENT_LIST css_class=my-custom-class]

This should then give you a custom class to use. Using the example of the 1st event, it currently has:

<div id="event_data-1" class="event_data NULL  event-data-display event-list-display event-display-boxes ui-widget">

For its containing DIV, using the code above that would then become:

<div id="event_data-1" class="event_data <strong>my-custom-class</strong> event-data-display event-list-display event-display-boxes ui-widget">

For more information on the short-codes/attributes check here:

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