
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Date Picker on Registration Page?

Date Picker on Registration Page?

Posted: December 20, 2013 at 5:03 pm

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Joy Smith

December 20, 2013 at 5:03 pm

Hi –

My client has requested a display change that I know will require some shuffling of code if it’s possible, but I’m unsure how I might make it happen. These are exclusively recurring events. I’ve spent the last several days getting the recurring dropdown menu to work properly and now the display request from the client may obviate that. 🙂

Ultimately, I’d like the recurring event dropdown table to not display the dates. Instead, I want that “select a date” button to simply open the first event instance (the event full description/registration page) and then on that reservation page, I want a date picker to select the date.



Online, but in maintenance mode.
New Install, Event Espresso version
WordPress version WP 3.8
Installed plugins
BackWPup by Inpsyde GmbH version 3.0.13,
Better WP Security by iThemes version 3.6.2,
Contact Form 7 by Takayuki Miyoshi version 3.6,
Event Espresso – Calendar by Event Espresso version,
Event Espresso – Custom Template Display by Event Espresso version 1.0,
Event Espresso – MailChimp Integration by version 1.2,
Event Espresso – Members Addon by Event Espresso version 1.9.8.p,
Event Espresso – Recurring Events by Event Espresso version 1.1.8.p,
Event Espresso Template – Recurring Events Table w/ Dropdowns by Event Espresso version 1.0,
Event Espresso – Ticketing by Event Espresso version 2.1.p,
Event Espresso by Event Espresso version,
MailChimp for WordPress Lite by Danny van Kooten version 1.4.8,
Really Simple CAPTCHA by Takayuki Miyoshi version 1.7,
Seamless Donations by allendav version 2.6.0,
WP Maintenance Mode by Frank Bültge version 1.8.11,
WPtouch Mobile Plugin by BraveNewCode Inc. version 3.1.3

Seth Shoultes

December 21, 2013 at 12:23 am

Hi Joy,

I am pretty sure it can be done, with a little programming. I have seen this type of thing on one or two of our customer’s websites in the past. I tried to reach out to them, to see how they did it, I but haven’t heard back.

Joy Smith

December 22, 2013 at 3:55 pm

Thanks, Seth. My clients are registering exclusively on the backend for the immediate future, but if possible, it would be best to get everything in place now. (This site is not live yet.)

Until you hear back or until a solution is found otherwise, I would still like to use, if possible the recurring dropdown and eliminate the dates and just have it pull the first event instance. (Forgetting about the datepicker on the reg. page for now.)

If I have to create that manually, I will, but is that portion something you could help me with now? Basically, how to turn the datepicker button into a button that just pulls up the event.


Seth Shoultes

December 23, 2013 at 10:15 am

I don’t think we have the bandwidth to do this right now. We are really trying to get the next MAJOR version out for beta testing next month.

One of our “pros” may be able to help:

Joy Smith

December 24, 2013 at 1:18 pm

I made a custom plugin of the drop down plugin, so I tweaked the code around and now the button does what I want. I’ll see about tackling the other part of it as well, but I have a more pressing problem regarding multiple event reg for which I’ll open a new ticket.

Thanks again.

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