
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium database tables

database tables

Posted: November 28, 2023 at 2:35 pm

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November 28, 2023 at 2:35 pm

After many years of accumulated EE activity my data tables have grown very large making backups a hassle. Is there any scripts that we can use to clean up any older data (say 3 years or older) that we can run to remove events and registrations from as long as 8+ years ago?


  • Support Staff

November 28, 2023 at 4:32 pm

Hi Troy,

We don’t have a script that will remove the events (and related data for you) but we do have a batch process built into Event Espresso for removing events and related data manually.

So what you can do is go to Event Espresso -> Events.

Select a month/year and filter the events, in my example I’m filtering events from Aug 2014:

Click the checkbox to select all the current events on the page (you can increase the number of events per page in the screen options at the top of the page).

Then use the bulk options to move them to the trash:

Go to the trash section, select the events again and this time in the dropdown select Delete Permanently:

Now…. EE will take over and scan for all of the records it needs to delete for all of the selected events.

Looking something like this:

It will show you a confirmation page and ask you to confirm the deletions.

Click the checkboxes and confirm, EE will now work through and delete the related data for for those events.

Its not as quick as just running a script to delete everything up to X dat, but removes all of the data for the selected events which you can use in smaller batches to remove the older events/data.

Does that help?

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