
Home Forums Ticketing Add-on Customizing data displayed in Mobile Ticketing Apps

Customizing data displayed in Mobile Ticketing Apps

Posted: September 9, 2014 at 9:29 pm

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John Bowman

September 9, 2014 at 9:29 pm

Is there any way to customize which fields are displayed on the check-in screen on the mobile ticketing apps?

I purchased EventEspresso with the intent of using it not only to handle will-call ticketing check-in for our events, but also to handle check-in for volunteers and staff, and it would be extremely useful if I could include additional metadata on the ‘accepted’ screen, or perhaps just on the attendee detail. (Information such as call time, volunteer team assigned, type of wristband/lanyard given, team lead to report to, etc…)

I know I can add these details to their ticket, but if I could also have them show up on-screen for the personnel handling the door that would really simplify things.

Background: Running Event Espresso – and the latest available download of the JSON API and Ticketing Add-ons. WordPress v3.9.2. This is a brand new install. The site is online but currently the registration pages are hidden from public view because we are still testing.


  • Support Staff

September 10, 2014 at 10:26 am

Hi John,

I checked on this and can confirm that the apps currently do not have this feature. If you want to add new fields to display on the screen it would require building a new app.

John Bowman

September 10, 2014 at 12:00 pm

Thanks for the prompt response. As I currently see it the, the only fields that I can feed custom data to in the mobile apps are the event name and the price option.

Additionally, I noticed a pesky difference between the mobile apps – the Event Espresso app for iOS allows me to enter scan mode without selecting a specific event – this means I could just set up different events for the different categories of staff, but the Event Espresso HD for Android will only let me enter scan mode once I’ve selected a specific event. I can see the usefulness of this, but I wish there were a way to configure this behavior.

Lastly, what would be involved in modifying the existing apps to support the display of customizable metadata? I understand that would require building a new app. We’re currently using our next event as a pilot to determine if we want to recommend EventEspresso for broader adoption in our organization and with our customers.


  • Support Staff

September 10, 2014 at 1:49 pm

Hi John,

You’re correct that it would require building a new app, which would require hiring a developer to build them. Since we didn’t build the apps in house, we contracted out the development of the apps to developers who specialize in iOS and Android app development respectively.

Modifying the existing apps isn’t an option at this time.

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