
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Customize the email confirmation and receipt information by event

Customize the email confirmation and receipt information by event

Posted: March 27, 2024 at 3:41 pm

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March 27, 2024 at 3:41 pm

I copied over a default “registration approved” and the “receipt” template to the “custom message templates so that I can customize them with the information appropriate to a specific event on my website .
But where do I edit the contents of each template? And how do I associate those custom templates to just the one event they apply to?


  • Support Staff

March 27, 2024 at 5:18 pm

I copied over a default “registration approved” and the “receipt” template to the “custom message templates so that I can customize them with the information appropriate to a specific event on my website .

When you created the custom template, did you give it a meaningful name?

But where do I edit the contents of each template? And how do I associate those custom templates to just the one event they apply to?

Edit the event in question and find the notifications section.

Select the custom message template for your message type, here’s an example for a Reg Approved message:

Once selected, update the event to save it.

Then go back to that section and click the edit button to edit that specific template.

Each template has multiple ‘contexts’ in which they are used.

Event Admin – the message intended to be sent to the event admin
Primary Registrant – a message sent only to the primary registrant (in addition to the ‘registrant’ message)
Registrant – sent to all registrants (single or group)

Take a look here:

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