
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium customise event dates similar to google calandar

customise event dates similar to google calandar

Posted: March 29, 2017 at 3:39 pm

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March 29, 2017 at 3:39 pm

Hi All, I have read lots of talk about updating recurring events for ee4 and have used in my other sites using ee3. Currently i am using ee4 for a site that only has weekly activities and for a set duration i.e monday, 5-6pm, for 14 weeks. Currently every 14 weeks we have a few days to add 130 + activities, cloning works but then we have to add/change start and end time 14 times for each activity… not very efficient. Has any one created/implemented or can suggest a way of changing that interface for example having startdate, start_time, end_time, number of recurrences and get that to populate the fields? A bit like google calendar. Can I add some JS to populate the date time fields and hide the current interface with css?


  • Support Staff

March 30, 2017 at 4:08 am

Hi Wayne,

I’m not aware of any custom implementations of the above and what you are requesting is basically the recurring events manager which has not been developed yet and so is not something we can provide at this time.

Can I add some JS to populate the date time fields and hide the current interface with css?

Sure, however you’ll find there is more to building out a recurring event manager (even a basic version) than just creating multiple datetimes/tickets.

Currently if you require recurring events I’d recommend using EE3 until a recurring events add-on is released for EE4.

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