
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Custom Ticket creation – how long to create one?

Custom Ticket creation – how long to create one?

Posted: August 31, 2014 at 8:29 pm

Christine Doyle

August 31, 2014 at 8:29 pm

I am trying to create a custom “ticket” that prints a label. I don’t see how to define the size of the paper in any of the posts on this forum, which is my key first step.

So the questions are:
1) Is this possible? If so, where should I be looking?
2) If I opt to have you do it for me, how long would it be until I had the custom ticket ready to use?



September 2, 2014 at 5:14 am


First off, sorry for the delay in getting back to you.

1) A custom size can be set other than A4 but it requires code changes:

2) It really depends on what you need. Can you outline it here or if you prefer, via email at (please link to this forum post as we may reply here rather than via email).

Christine Doyle

September 2, 2014 at 5:57 am

Thanks for the link — I had seen that, but I find that working with WordPress is far harder than just coding it myself used to be, so much is relatively hidden. I will look at the files in more detail.

But the label I’m trying to create is a 24mm tape, with a 3.5″ length (yes, I’m mixing my English and metric measurements) that includes 4 data elements from my event. No graphics.

Christine Doyle

September 2, 2014 at 6:15 am

OH, and to make things more complicated, I do want to still have an option for someone to print out a “ticket” to bring as a receipt — I just need to have a template/style that allows me to use the labels as well. It may well not be doable, given the limitations of WordPress.


September 2, 2014 at 7:10 am


This should be possible, but I will tell you that it is not for the feint hearted. We are currently using DOM PDF to display the PDF files and creating a custom paper size took me a while to figure out.

You would need to use

$dompdf->set_paper( array(0,0, 1 * 72, 3.5 * 72) , "portrait");

(It’s a hair wider than what you said, but the exact measurement makes DOMPDF blow up).

Of course you would still need to modify a template to fit that size. If you are looking to do that yourself then you are best starting from a blank canvas.

Also, please not that changes to the core plugin files WILL be over written on plugin update (in this case the core plugin) so make a note of your changes. Template files can be exempt from this.

While you can have more than one ticket ticket, you can’t have more than one on an event at the same time.

Christine Doyle

September 2, 2014 at 7:00 pm

Dean –

Thanks for the info. Fortunately, we would never need to have both active at once. We’ll see what we can do with this.

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