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Custom Themes

Posted: August 13, 2013 at 6:28 pm

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Lauren Montague

August 13, 2013 at 6:28 pm

Is it possible to customize the template for various categories so that the event template is not always the same? For example, we have classes and also community events we would like to post – but we have a link on the classes that says “Are you eligible for a discount?” We don’t want this link to appear on the general events categories. Also – we would like to have the option to include either cash or check only or cash/check and credit card or just credit card – not all at once. Is it possible to make multiple templates or specify template characteristics for different categories?


August 13, 2013 at 11:23 pm

Hi Lauren,

First off it isn’t possible to make multiple template files.

However, it is possible to style categories differently. If you create X number of pages and use the following shortcode

[EVENT_LIST category_identifier=your_category_identifier css_class=my-custom-class]

This will list the events from a certain category but add a unique CSS class to that particular event list allowing things to be styled.

For example you could modify the template to have the “Are you eligible for a discount?” message and then use CSS to hide it by default. On the event categories where you want it to appear, you can use the unique CSS class to make it visible.

Currently the gateways are site wide, rather than event specific. You can use javascript to hide them or you could potentially hack the templates to conditionally show them but it is a fairly big customisation.

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