
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Custom stylesheet not being loaded for users who are not logged into WP

Custom stylesheet not being loaded for users who are not logged into WP

Posted: November 25, 2013 at 1:57 pm

Mindy Gravely

November 25, 2013 at 1:57 pm

I have installed a custom stylesheet (not themeroller), and everything appears to be working fine, except that when I am not logged in, the event page has absolutely no style.

The page is here:


  • Support Staff

November 25, 2013 at 2:01 pm

Hi Mindy,

If you scroll down to the bottom of the page you will see this message:

Anti-Spam Measure: Please enter the following phrase To use reCAPTCHA you must get an API key from

What this means is the recaptcha feature is trying to load up, but there are no keys entered in Event Espresso>General Settings. This will end up breaking a lot of things, including the loading of styles.

You can fix this issue by either disabling recaptcha or getting/entering keys. The recaptcha feature doesn’t load when you’re logged into the site, so that’s why the styles are working when you’re logged in.

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