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Custom Questions Registration Form

Posted: August 14, 2013 at 5:32 am

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August 14, 2013 at 6:42 am


Well, the custom questions are uniquely identified: TEXT_12 refers to question ID 12 and it is a TEXT type question. SINGLE_22 would refer to question ID 22 which is a SINGLE type (radio button).

Does that help?

John Durbin

August 14, 2013 at 7:07 am


yes that was clear, but the problem is that if I call a field in the registration form as TEXT_12, it’s not matched with the corresponding box on the event registration page. So what I was wondering is if there was any other ID assigned to those additional questions such as “event_espresso_address” (that looks more uniquely recognizable at site level).

(For example every event has both the numeric ID and the alphanumeric string assigned by EE, I was looking at the kind of identification)

John Durbin

August 14, 2013 at 7:25 am

Probably a better way of asking this question would be: what is the name used in the SQL database to identify the field called “TEXT_12”? Because I suppose “event_espresso_address” is consistent with the database naming. Do I need to add the “event_espresso” prefix?

John Durbin

August 14, 2013 at 8:03 am


I’ve looked into the MySQL database and found out that the additional questions didn’t have anything under “system_name” (=NULL). I changed that, assigning a unique name that is correctly picked by the system (now instead of being called TEXT_NUMBER they are called with my names). Still there’s no match.

No a follow up question would be: is it possible to add the additional questions under the “Events Profile Information”? If so, where do I need to look?

Many thanks!


  • Support Staff

August 14, 2013 at 10:40 am

Hi there,

If you take a look in the espresso-members/member_functions.php file you can review how the Events Profile fields are added.

Tip: You can create your own custom functions and hook into WP’s show_user_profile and edit_user_profile action hooks to display these without hacking the plugin directly.

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