Though I know in EE 3.2 there may be the ability to sell t-shirts as an item when you buy a ticket. I assume this from the posted screen shots. In the mean time, I am creating an event to sell t-shirts. I added a size question in custom questions. Perfect. However, I went to export the Excel document and the data collected under the size question is missing. It says “Size” in the first row but no data in the column. Also, when I opened up the test attendee’s registration for that event to edit it. The custom question acted as if it was never answered. So I answered the question and chose a size in the drop down list, saved/updated, went back to the list of “attendees”, exported and still nothing. I went back to the attendee again and opened the entry and once again, the answer for T-shirt size was acting as if it was unanswered.
~Liz Jamieson
This topic was modified 12 years, 6 months ago by Garth.
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