
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Custom "My Events" Printout for Conference Welcome Package

Custom "My Events" Printout for Conference Welcome Package

Posted: July 1, 2013 at 3:19 pm

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Adal Bermann

July 1, 2013 at 3:19 pm

Like a few other people here I am using EventEspresso to manage an online conference registration with multiple events.

So far so good, however I need help with one last client request for which I would even be interested in funding sponsored development.

We need to generate printouts that recap all registered events for a single user. Ideally these printouts would be PDF documents or easily printable HTML pages. The template needs to be customize-able (like the Events List currently is via PHP) so that I can brand the design.

I know there is already a [ESPRESSO_MY_EVENTS] shortcode (and admin page) but we need the admin to access those reports for ALL users.

Please let me know if you can help with this, and I would be happy to further discuss the details.


July 2, 2013 at 12:23 am

Hello Adal,

Thats a really interesting idea, one that I don’t think is possible without some sort of customisation, whether it be a custom shortcode, or more likely from your description, a new function in the admin area (I’m thinking something similar to the invoice link).

You would be best contacting us via this form,, providing as much info as you can.

Alternatively we do recommend these third party developers

Adal Bermann

July 2, 2013 at 1:28 pm

Hey Dean,

I agree that a custom Admin button would be the way to go. One for each user is obvious but one for all users at once would be nice also.

I need confirmation from my clients that they are willing to secure a proper budget for this. Just to help move things forward, can you guess-stimate if it would cost something more like $1000, $5000, $10000 or $20000?


July 3, 2013 at 2:27 am

Hi Adal,

Unfortunately no I cannot estimate the cost. If you fill out the form with the details the sales/development team can get a costing to you.

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