
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Custom Files Help – table formatting

Custom Files Help – table formatting

Posted: August 11, 2013 at 10:03 am

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Winston Douglas

August 11, 2013 at 10:03 am

I have downloaded the custom files and have installed then the correct directories.

I’m trying to format my event list in the following way:

date – eventname – venuename – eventmetabox – register

1. I would like the event name to link to the event page [espresso_events]
2. I would like the venue name to link to the venue.
3. The event meta box will be a custom link to a brochure for that event, so needs to be a href link
4. I need to rename the register link, as now it goes to an alternative page for enquiries.

Once the format is sorted, i will need to be able to set the shortcode and parameters to display events for 30, 60, or 180 days and ordered by date.

After a lot of digging around I could do this myself. I can’t even get the movie list shortcode to display anything. I used the syntax [ESPRESSO_MOVIE_TABLE max_days=”365″ qty=”50″ category_id=”fb-001″]

If you can help with this would be much appreciated.


August 12, 2013 at 6:38 am


I had a template file that was similar so it didnt take long to modify it, see here it is a replacement for the espresso_table.php file.

The venues don’t have individual pages, so you would have to create one and link it that way, via meta boxes.

It should at least give you a starting point.

The shortcode has a max_days attribute to limit the items shown, and an order_by attribute too.

The movie table has recently stopped working due to changes in the core plugin, we have earmarked some resources to overhaul the Custom Files addon, but it will be after 4.X has been launched and is stable.

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