
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium custom email confirmation

custom email confirmation

Posted: December 6, 2012 at 10:52 pm

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December 6, 2012 at 10:52 pm

I have been trying to write a custom email confirmation by cutting and pasting. I’ve cut and pasted from the default reg confirmation email. i’ve cut and pasted from a word doc, using the W button. the “send custom emails for this event?” is always Yes. the “pre-existing email?” is Select Value. i leave the page by doing nothing. i first hit “update event”. every single time (and it’s been over a dozen trys), i come back to this Event and the email is gone and the settings have reverted to “No” to custom email, with a pre-exisitng email selected. I’ve gone to Email Manager and have changed the Email Settings to “No,” “No”, “No”. I hit the “Save Options” button and it kicks me back to the website (this always happens). I come back to these pages and they have reverted to the settings for the Default Reg Confirmation Email. HELP! I need similar but customized Reg confirmation emails to 4 different events in 4 different venues. Thank you!


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 1:43 pm

Hi there,

Which version numbers of WordPress and Event Espresso do you have installed?


December 7, 2012 at 5:02 pm

hi josh,
i have wordpress 3.4.2, and event espresso


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 5:13 pm

Can you send temporary WordPress admin credentials via the contact page so we can investigate further? If so, please send them via our contact page:

Please select the “I am sending login info as requested” department form.


December 7, 2012 at 5:27 pm



December 7, 2012 at 5:40 pm

can you figure out why from one day to the next, when someone registers for the workshops (it’s all trial now), they used to be getting a mail chimp signup email, but now they aren’t?



  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 5:45 pm

Hi there,

It let me select one of the custom emails from the email editor, and saving the custom email selectionworked in the event editor.

With the issue you’re having with saving settings in Event Espresso>General Settings, I will recommend checking with the developer of this site and ask them if there are theme functions that have been set up to restrict capabilities. Some of the administrative capabilities appear to have been locked down. For example, the Appearance menu does allow switching or installing themes. It’s possible that other admin capabilities are not working due to the restrictions set up.


December 7, 2012 at 5:54 pm

thank you for your quick response! could up upload an image in the custom email?

also, can you help me figure out why mail chimp no longer send an automatic ‘signup’ email when people register? i did work up a custom form on mail chimp. i was on their support forum and i was told that the problem wasn’t at their end.


December 7, 2012 at 6:03 pm

hi josh,
if i understand correctly, you were in the Email Manager… I could try that. I was using the “Custom email” option at the bottom of each event. What’s interesting is, it used to be set to the Default Reg email (under general settings), and that went out fine. Then I needed to customize each email for each event, which what I started to do. NOW, the custom emails go out (without the photo), but the workshop set to the default reg email (2/23 in Seattle), doesn’t go out to the registrant! i can’t figure that out either.

sorry if all of this is just too confusing. I really appreciate your help sorting this out.


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 6:18 pm

I think if you find out what’s causing some of the administrative functions to not work (like changing themes and saving the options) and have those issues resolved, it may work out that these other issues were connected.


December 7, 2012 at 6:26 pm

on more question: i’ve been on email manager writing emails. i finish it, i hit the “Add email” button, or the “Add new email” button and it bounces me back to the front side of the website. i return, and the email I had constructed is gone.
HOW does one save emails in email manager? there is no obvious ‘save’ button or “update” button.

i am sending your recommendations to the website developers. thanks again!


  • Support Staff

December 7, 2012 at 6:32 pm

The button is there:


It’s not working on your site though. This and many admin functions are not working on your site, or are missing. Please check with the developers of this site about the missing features in the admin.


December 7, 2012 at 6:44 pm

thanks for all of your help.



December 10, 2012 at 12:17 am

my IT person has done what you recommended – all admin functions are now activated and i am still having the same problems saving email edits in email manager. for some reason, i was able to upload a photo (not this time, but a time ago), in the 2nd email. i am not able to upload that exact same photo in the 4 and 5th emails. when i try, and hit ‘update email’, it bumps me to the front side of the website and nothing’s been saved.
what’s interesting is this: i have tried three times to simply change the email name and email subject line of the 2nd email *Mindful Cps WS – Reg”. it does the same thing when i hit ‘update email’ – it sends me to the front side with nothing saved. i try to move the paragraph beneath the signature up 1/2″, and the same thing happens. i hit update email and i’m bumped to the front side of the website.

any suggestions?


December 10, 2012 at 12:30 am

hi josh,

an update. i can’t even get my edits to the default emails in General Settings to hold, after hitting “Save Options”. Again, i get kicked to the front side of the website and nothing is saved.


  • Support Staff

December 10, 2012 at 7:07 am

Hi Connie,

Now that you have the ability to switch themes, can you try temporarily switching to the default twentyeleven theme? If that doesn’t make a difference, you can temporarily deactivate all non – Event Espresso plugins in order to help narrow down the issue.


December 10, 2012 at 1:23 pm

hi josh,
this aspect of tweaking things on my website makes me nervous. my IT person is away from the office until next week. i’ll put her on it and get back to you. thanks for the guidance!


December 13, 2012 at 1:05 pm

Hi there Josh. This is Carol – I’m Connie’s web developer. Here’s the status of the problem :

When I save an email I am taken back to the Manage Event Emails page and there is a message in pink that says “the email [email name] was not updated.” I can however add and save a new email. I tried changing the theme to twenty twelve and de-activating the plugins – the problem remains.

This was working for me before – that is, I was able to update emails whereas Connie could not. We were both using the same user login. I thought maybe it was an issue related to her browser, but now I too am having the problem.

Any help you can offer would be greatly appreciated.


  • Support Staff

December 13, 2012 at 3:20 pm

Hi Carol,

When I was logged into the site earlier, it would send me off to the home page each time I tried to save an existing email. I could create a new email, but not save an existing one.

Is there a plugin or theme function that has been set up to restrict access to the admin? If so, does this get set in the database? I’ve seen it before where a plugin was used to remove specific capabilities of the admin, and this was stored as settings in the wp_options table of the database. So simply deactivating the plugin didn’t make a difference since the restrictions are set in the database.


December 13, 2012 at 3:32 pm

there isn’t a plugin that removes capabilities. It was just some custom code that was in my functions.php ((basically just un-setting some menu items and meta boxes), which I since have commented out. I did have a plugin for TinyMCE Advanced activated (it’s now de-activated) – could that have added something to the wp-options file?


December 13, 2012 at 5:29 pm

more information. It actually is working. That message in the pink (“the email [email name] was not updated.”) seems to be generated when you save an email without making any changes (FYI, the message is somewhat disconcerting. I think maybe no message is called for in that situation).

So, I am able to make a change to an email and successfully save it. Now I just need to understand why Connie (and apparently you when you tried) were sent to the home page when you tried to save an email. That is NOT happening to me.


  • Support Staff

December 17, 2012 at 12:38 pm

That is the expected result when no modifications were made to the email template, but it was saved anyway.

You might try re-enabling the TinyMCE plugin and the theme functions you had activated earlier to narrow down the other issue.

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