So I’ve finally found the issue with css that has been a problem for some time now that I have posted before.. Apparently in the theme roller style sheets specifically redmond, my current theme uses ui-widget class for a different element in my theme, so theme roller keeps injecting it’s css for this element into the elements in my theme that have the same class. How can i fix this? Is there a way to re define the theme roller class?
yes I have and problem goes away, however, i do like using the styles minus this one issue. Is the only way to fix it is to not use them? Either way, probably would run into same issue as soon as I try to custom style when using those classes..
Usually you can make the rule specific to EE related items by adding an EE wrapper to the rule. So, if you were using ui-lightness themeroller, you would go into templates/css/themeroller/ui-lightness/style.css and find the rule that is causing the problem, line 62, for example, and change it to:
This reply was modified 11 years, 5 months ago by Sidney Harrell.
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