
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Critical Pages Short Code Error

Critical Pages Short Code Error

Posted: November 24, 2023 at 5:51 pm

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November 24, 2023 at 5:51 pm


I just purchased and activated EE on my wordpress site. I’ve created an event, assigned tickets, test bought a few tickets and things seem mostly okay except:

1.) When I complete a purchase through Paypal Commerce I get can error message. I assumed the purchase didn’t go through, but when I check my paypal account I see that it has.

2.) Also, in general settings the critical pages tab shows an error on every required short code page except one– the registration check out page. When I edit the others by copying and pasting the proper short code in and updating, that particular page is then fixed, but the other (the reg. check out page that was previously fine) is now showing an error. When I edit one page the others change to mimic the code of the one just edited and so they all then have the same code. Make sense?

I’m guessing these two issues are related…

Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

November 26, 2023 at 10:30 pm

Do you have screenshot of the error message? did you use the same paypal account you registered in your store?

1.) When I complete a purchase through Paypal Commerce I get can error message. I assumed the purchase didn’t go through, but when I check my paypal account I see that it has.

Did you try to edit and paste the correct shortcode? can you show us the error mesage?

2.) Also, in general settings the critical pages tab shows an error on every required short code page except one– the registration check out page. When I edit the others by copying and pasting the proper short code in and updating, that particular page is then fixed, but the other (the reg. check out page that was previously fine) is now showing an error. When I edit one page the others change to mimic the code of the one just edited and so they all then have the same code. Make sense?



November 27, 2023 at 7:34 am

Hi Rio,

Thanks for helping me out. Here’s a link to the screenshots:

1.) I just went through the payment process again and got that same error message. The payment went through and I also received the relevant email notifications (payment details and event details), but am still getting that error message.

2.) I did try copying and pasting the proper shortcode. Here is how I did this: From the ‘Critical Pages’ tab I copied the proper shortcode under the ‘Transactions Page’ section. I then clicked on edit under the ‘Transactions Page’ section. This took me to a WP page entitled ‘Registration Check Out’ with the shortcode [ESPRESSO_CHECKOUT]. I replaced that shortcode with [ESPRESSO_TXN_PAGE] and updated it. I then went back to the ‘Critical Pages’ tab and refreshed it. The bottom screen shot on the above link is the result. As you can see, the registration check out page/shortcode is now showing an error and the transaction page/shortcode is not.

Our tickets typically go on sale on December 1st, so I’d really like to get this figured out. I was excited to find an alternative to Eventbrite and really want this to work.



  • Support Staff

November 27, 2023 at 9:04 am

Hi J,

The problem with your pages there is you have them all set to be the same page.

You need 4 pages, each relevant shortcode added and set in the relevant section, EE normally would do something like this:

Each of those is a separate page within Dashboard -> Pages

In those dropdowns do you have the option to select a ‘Registration Checkout’, ‘Transactions’, ‘Thank you’ and ‘Registration Cancelled’ page? If so, set the to each section.

If not… go to Dashboard -> Pages.

Search in there for say, ‘Thank you’, is there a thank you page listed?


November 27, 2023 at 5:17 pm

Tony! You have fixed my issue! I didn’t realize I had to make those pages. Once I fixed the critical pages my other payment issue cleared up as well. Thanks so much!


  • Support Staff

November 27, 2023 at 5:42 pm

Awesome, I’m glad that worked for you 🙂

Any further issues just let us know.

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