
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium critical error when installing the paid version

critical error when installing the paid version

Posted: July 8, 2024 at 10:28 am

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July 8, 2024 at 10:28 am

I was using the free version until I needed to add more features. I opted for the Personal License. I re-installed the application from the downloaded .zip file. When I enter my key, I should upgrade the application, but when I do, it creates a critical error on the site. I had to uninstall it and I lost all my data linked to the application… what can I do? If it’s a conflict with one of my other extensions, I can’t download any of them


  • Support Staff

July 8, 2024 at 11:02 am

Hi there,

When a critical error is thrown, there are 2 types of errors.

The ‘pretty’ error, thrown by WordPress and it shows something like:

There has been a critical error on this website. Please check your site admin email inbox for instructions.

Thats shown so your users don’t see the ‘real’ error, which is what we need to see to be able to troubleshoot. So right now I’m guessing you have the pretty error, but do you have the full error being thrown?

It would likely have been emailed to your by your site when the error was thrown, or it should be save in your server error logs (your host will usually have a section for you to view them in your control panel).

Which version of Event Espresso did you update from?

I had to uninstall it and I lost all my data linked to the application… what can I do?

Lost all your data? How did you uninstall it?

Your EE data is saved to your database and we do not remove that when you uninstall (its up to the plugin you are uninstalling/removing to remove its data from the database when doing so, we do not).

If you have removed the plugin then your data should all still be sitting in the database waiting for a version of Event Espresso to be installed.

We can come back to this shortly, lets figure out what error is being thrown first and go from there.

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