
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Credit Card Processing went down — Need Help?

Credit Card Processing went down — Need Help?

Posted: July 3, 2024 at 3:54 pm

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July 3, 2024 at 3:54 pm

Something changed, which is causing the failure to process credit cards. We are in a slow period for sales. I processed a card on June 27th. Today, customers are reporting a failure to open the credit card form.

EE is running Version 5.0.20.p

EE is rendering web pages and navigating the customer thru registration “just fine.”

I can fill out the form in STEP 1. STEP 2 page renders for review and offers METHOD OF PAYMENT. The moment I click the radio button for PAY BY CREDIT CARD, I get a red colored pop-up error message:

EE_Form_Input_Base::set_html_other_attributes was called incorrectly. This method is no longer in use. You should replace it by EE_Form_Section_Base::set_html_other_attributes()

(This message was added in version 4.10.2.p of Event Espresso) This is a doing_it_wrong message that was triggered during an ajax request. The request params on this request were:


Can you tell what function I lost? There has not been and EE updates lately, My Quickbooks credit card gateway is nor reporting any communications errors. Where should I look next?


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2024 at 4:08 pm

Hi there,

Can you post a link to an Event so I can take a look, please?


July 3, 2024 at 4:27 pm

I shut down the main ticket that we are selling until this is fixed. But I have a donation event still running that can be used for testing…

Try this event:


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2024 at 4:37 pm

Hmm… odd!

So, the fact thatyour getting that error means something is calling the set_html_other_attributes() method, however, the QuickBooks add-on you are using does not call that method.

It also means WP_DEBUG has been enabled on your site as the ‘doing_it_wrong()’ notice you are seeing is only thrown when that is enabled.

Do you have FTP/File Manager access and are you comfortable using it?

Disable WP_DEBUG in your wp-config.php file but setting:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );

To be:

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

Or if you host has a section for you to enable/disable WP_DEBUG in your control panel (some do), then disable it through that.

That should prevent the notice from being thrown and that should allow QuickBooks to work again.

We can then move on to finding what is calling that method.


July 3, 2024 at 5:32 pm

That got things working! Thank you. I turned off debug and processed a donation as a test.

Quickbooks did its job.

I set Debug to False and will watch upcoming customers to ensure that we are running trouble-free.

Everything has been running smoothly for years on the VPS that runs this WordPress site and a couple of other applications. Last Friday, I had an incident while upgrading a web app, which brings in a directory structure that either overloads or installs anew when upgrading. We accidentally maxed out our INODE limit.

WordPress continued to work, and EE seemed to function fine during the INODE crisis. I checked it but did not run a credit card transaction that evening.

We cleaned up the errant App upgrade within an hour and returned to a low INODE load; things went back to normal quickly.

That was the only strange occurrence on the server in the last six months…

Thanks for the help. Happy Independence Day!


  • Support Staff

July 3, 2024 at 9:10 pm

awesome. If you need anything, feel free to reach us again.


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