
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Credit card only for only two events

Credit card only for only two events

Posted: November 14, 2013 at 8:50 pm

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November 14, 2013 at 8:50 pm

Hi There,

We currently accespt both credit card through the stripe gateway as well as check and money order. For two of our upcoming events we need to change to accepting just stripe for those events only. I came accross this in your support forum which pointed me to adding the following to my theme’s functions.php

[code language=”php”]
function htrappfae_remove_check_from_event($payment_data) {
extract( $payment_data );

if ( $event_id==74 OR $event_id==60) { //check to see if this is the event with the ID of #74
echo “Event Espresso ID: $event_id”;
remove_action( ‘action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway’,’espresso_display_check’,9 );

add_action ( ‘action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway’, ‘htrappfae_remove_check_from_event’,9 );

I am able to tell that the function is working somewhat as it echos the Event ID for the two events we would like to change but the check/money order payment option is still showing up. Any help you can provide would be greatly appreciated.

  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by bwilcox.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 3 months ago by bwilcox.
  • This topic was modified 11 years, 2 months ago by bwilcox.


November 14, 2013 at 8:53 pm

[code language=”php”]
function htrappfae_remove_check_from_event($payment_data) {
extract( $payment_data );

if ( $event_id==74 OR $event_id==60) { //check to see if this is the event with the ID of #74
echo “Event Espresso ID: $event_id”;
remove_action( ‘action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway’,’espresso_display_check’,9 );

add_action ( ‘action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway’, ‘htrappfae_remove_check_from_event’,9 );


November 15, 2013 at 12:56 am


The gateway code has changed slightly since that point. The code would now look like this:

function htrappfae_remove_check_from_event($payment_data) {
  extract( $payment_data );
    if ( $event_id==8) { //check to see if this is the event with the ID of #74
        //echo "Event Espresso ID: $event_id";
        remove_action('action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway_2','espresso_display_check' );
        remove_action('action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway_2', 'espresso_display_purchase_order');

add_action ( ‘action_hook_espresso_display_offline_payment_gateway’, ‘htrappfae_remove_check_from_event’,9 );

Please note that if you want to do this with other gateways, you will need to check the action hook in each gateway as they may well be slightly different (e.g. invoice doesn’t currently have the _2 at the end).

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