
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Create custom access and excel exports

Create custom access and excel exports

Posted: January 24, 2024 at 3:59 pm

Viewing 5 reply threads


January 24, 2024 at 3:59 pm

We are trying to accomplish a few things to better suite our work flow, we have been using Event Expresso for years and love it and want to make it work for us a little more if possible. Here is what we are wanting to accomplish

  • Create a field on the Events Page where we can add the instructor name
  • Create a new report per the this design Image that is rendered as a PDF (add a little more space between each row for the instructors to write in notes)
    • Allow instructors to log-in to a restricted area within the site and print the PDF


  • Enable auto send of the PDF to their email address at Close of Business the day before each assigned event.
  • For security reasons, We do not want instructors to be able to download the data to excel or have access to print any historical rosters. Viewable and printable rosters should be limited to only those classes to which an instructor is assigned in a given month. So no past month rosters or future month rosters.
  • Thank you for your support and ideas on how to accomplish this


    January 24, 2024 at 4:01 pm

    The image did not post, going to try is again as a link Here


    • Support Staff

    January 25, 2024 at 6:11 pm

    Hi there,

    We don’t have the option to output the CSV as a PDF currently, it would be possible to do but would need custom code from a developer.

    There’s a couple of points I’m not sure about in your reply:

    Create a field on the Events Page where we can add the instructor name

    What is this to be used for?

    Could you use the people add-on?

    Note that if you are intending to use the above to set an instructor for ‘access’, then the people add-on is not what you need.

    For security reasons, We do not want instructors to be able to download the data to excel or have access to print any historical rosters

    Is the only reason you don’t want the to have access to CSV data for ‘security’, if so, PDF’s can be converted to CSV really easily.

    It sounds like your looking for an ‘instructor portal’ kind of setup, where an instructor logs in and only has access to section they have been assigned to (the field mentioned above), is that correct?

    If so, it’s possible to do but we don’t have anything within EE to do it for you, it will need custom code.


    January 26, 2024 at 3:57 pm

    Thank you for the reply! Are there developers at Event Expresso that we can hire to build out some or all of this functionality? If so I will put together a scope of work for a quote.

    Thank you!


    • Support Staff

    January 26, 2024 at 6:07 pm

    You can contact/hire developers here.



    • Support Staff

    February 5, 2024 at 2:23 pm

    Hi there, I wanted to let you know that we have a developer who is available to take on some customizations. This developer also has specific experience with the CSV/Reporting of Event Espresso. Let me know if you want us to take a look at your scope of work for a quote.

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