
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Create an Event with a Flat Rate?

Create an Event with a Flat Rate?

Posted: November 14, 2012 at 12:33 pm

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November 14, 2012 at 12:33 pm

I need to create an event where someone can choose 3 levels of sponsorship, and then continue to add people (Group Registration) but each Group Member is $0.00 cost up to the specified max. So they choose Gold Level @ $100.00 and then they can add up to 7 People, but the checkout is only for $100.00. Hoping to get this setup today, so any help is really appreciated, thanks!


November 15, 2012 at 2:45 am


Currently there is no option for a flat rate system for multiple attendees.

Using the Multiple Event Registration (MER) add on, you could set it up so that one price has the amount ($100) and another price called “extra people” or similar has a price of zero. This isnt ideal though as they could skip adding the paid for option and just add people for free.

We are looking at improving this feature in future releases to have it that some ticket options must be selected in order for other options to become available. This is still in the idea stage though, so it may be some time before it comes to fruition.

Another option would be to have a custom question set up – “how many extra people will there be?” with a drop down of numbers. This gets past the issue of people trying to not pay but brings the issue of not obtaining the extra peoples details.

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