
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Create a 1 year exclusive monthly club subscription that is renewable?

Create a 1 year exclusive monthly club subscription that is renewable?

Posted: September 22, 2012 at 6:51 pm

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September 22, 2012 at 6:51 pm

Trying to tackle this club idea involves a few different issues, so I’ll apologize upfront. Sorry. Currently, our business offers sewing clubs, which meet once a month and cost $65 per year. This is meant to be a bonus to our customers who have purchased a sewing machine through one of our stores, so I’d like to set up a way to prevent just anyone from signing up for them. Maybe give each customer their own code or something that will access club signups. Is this possible?

Also, since the clubs are $65/year, can I set it up to automatically remove members from the roster after the year expires, and notify members who are enrolled in a club that their subscription will be ending soon? Say, a month or so before the 1 year subscription expires? And give them the ability to renew it for another year if they want to?

I know that setting up events with multiple non-consecutive dates will be a feature in 3.2, so I am eagerly awaiting its release to help tackle this. Please let me know if these ideas will work now, in 3.2, or never. I understand it’s a lot to ask. Thanks!

Seth Shoultes

September 22, 2012 at 7:34 pm

I would highly recommend using s2member for handling the membership dues etc. Then use the Event Espresso User Integration addon to keep non-members from registering for the member only events.


October 14, 2012 at 3:30 pm

Thanks for the quick reply, and sorry for my late response, but would that require a separate payment gateway and login from event espresso? So customers would have to log in to an event espresso account to sign up for and pay for classes, and log in to an s2member account to sign up for & pay for membership clubs?


October 15, 2012 at 3:58 am


Both S2 and Event Espresso use the core WordPress user system as a basis. S2 takes this to a very advanced level, but basically the customer is still a user, so they sign in normally via WordPress ( is the standard login address).

What this means is that the user logs in once, and then because they are logged in they can see member only events.

You can use the same payment gateway for members and non members alike, it doesnt matter, its all about what the user has access to.

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