
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Counting Pending payment registrations with offline payment as sold

Counting Pending payment registrations with offline payment as sold

Posted: December 5, 2023 at 1:22 pm

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December 5, 2023 at 1:22 pm

is there any update with possibility to count Pending payment status as sold?

As I wrote five year ago we are using only offline payments and to prevent overselling we would need to count registrationg with Pending payment status as Sold. We need to keep the registered space for a few days before registrants pay.

We cannot use the ‘Default Registration Status’ setting to ‘Approved’ as:
– We don’t want to send venue and other details to unconfirmed registrants that did not pay yet.
– It would be more complicated to see who is really approved (i.e. paid), especially for check ins in mobile app.

Is there any update in this matter in EE?


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2023 at 9:46 am

Hello again,

I’m afraid the programmatic situation is still the same.

Conflating the Payment Pending and Approved statuses is not something we plan to change nor officially support. Doing so would likely cause a cascade of unintended consequences and require additional alterations. Event Espresso is designed primarily for online payments because online payments help secure ticket sales and registrations nearly instantly.

The complications you are facing are due to the delay in receiving payments when accepting offline payments. The Status Pending Payment is intended define who has officially paid or not.

The easies way to account for the delay in time for accepting offline payments is to tightly manage the number of tickets available to account for or anticipate how many attendees will (or still need to) actually send in payment. As you get closer to your event dates or have more people send in payment you can adjust the available tickets.

You are welcome to hire a developer to make these changes for you personally, but that would likely mean you would not be able to get support from our team nor use any new versions of Event Espresso in the future.

I would strongly suggest considering a way to accept instant payments online.


December 6, 2023 at 9:55 am

Event Espresso is designed primarily for online payments because online payments help secure ticket sales and registrations nearly instantly.

I wish I knew that before we havily invested in EE. 🙁

The easies way to account for the delay in time for accepting offline payments is to tightly manage the number of tickets available to account for or anticipate how many attendees will (or still need to) actually send in payment. As you get closer to your event dates or have more people send in payment you can adjust the available tickets.

That is a lot of administration. We acquire EE to lower the administration./

You are welcome to hire a developer to make these changes for you personally, but that would likely mean you would not be able to get support from our team nor use any new versions of Event Espresso in the future.

That is what we do. However updates make our life more difficult and the whole EE funcionality is a bit crippled.

I would strongly suggest considering a way to accept instant payments online.

Well, wire transfers are more common in Europe.


  • Support Staff

December 6, 2023 at 10:07 am

Manual payments require a lot of administration, more manual work, more errors, etc. Accept instant payments and a lot of the administration and trouble inherently goes away because of the delays to wire transfers. The Pending Payment in Event Espresso is correct, you are still awaiting payment.

You can choose to manually change the registration status of a new registration to Approved, while not also applying a payment and changing the transaction status, because within Event Espresso you will see that a payment has not been recorded and you will know who has paid or not. That system already exists.


December 7, 2023 at 4:16 pm

Manual payments require a lot of administration, more manual work, more errors, etc. Accept instant payments and a lot of the administration and trouble inherently goes away because of the delays to wire transfers

I would love to switch to instant payments. Believe me I wish that. Unfortunatelly we cannot.

The Pending Payment in Event Espresso is correct, you are still awaiting payment.

Well, what if there is one last spot available, but three people pay via bank transfer at the same/similar time? One will get the spot (and EE will be in correct state), but two other would overpaid. Lots of administration with refund, angry unsuccesful registrants who thought they got the spot and paid immediately…

You can choose to manually change the registration status of a new registration to Approved, while not also applying a payment and changing the transaction status, because within Event Espresso you will see that a payment has not been recorded and you will know who has paid or not.

Yes, but only in more complicated (filtered) view. Most importantly it would not be visible in mobile app.


  • Support Staff

December 8, 2023 at 6:13 am

Well, what if there is one last spot available, but three people pay via bank transfer at the same/similar time? One will get the spot (and EE will be in correct state), but two other would overpaid. Lots of administration with refund, angry unsuccesful registrants who thought they got the spot and paid immediately…

EE has a reservation system within it so that when you start a registration, the ticket is placed in ‘reserve’ for the duration of your session (which by default is 1 hour) so with that and a Default Registration Status (DRS for short) setting of Approved that situation is avoided. Users can’t start a registration at the same time, user 1 will start the registration, be placed in reserved and then approved.

By NOT using a DRS of Approved you are creating the situation you are referring to. Then by trying to switch out the Pending Payment status to also be included in the values it changes how the core functionality EE works and has a waterfall effect throughout the plugin.

Yes, but only in more complicated (filtered) view.

May I ask why its more complicated? The TXN status for each registration is easily visible at a glance.

Is it because you can’t also filer by TXN Status? Becuase if so I have a snippet for that here:

You can add that to a custom functions plugin and we have some documentation on creating one here:

Most importantly it would not be visible in mobile app.

This part, I agree with… mostly.

The app doesn’t do a good job of highlighting Approved registrations with incomplete transactions, because they are approved they scan and check in as any regular ticket would. They already apply to the sold values so it’s assumed they are attending and the admin will/has already handled payment.

It is possible to check for these, you would need to scan the tickets in lookup mode:

Then hit the details button on the top right, which takes you here:

That $20.00 / $0.00 is {price} / {paid}

I’m not saying that’s ideal by any means, but it is possible to do with the app as is.

However…. you do have another option for this which involves slightly more admin work but IMO is still a better option than trying to include Pending Payment registrations in the sold values.

You already know you can filter Approved registrations and now have a snippet that can filter approved registrations with Incomplete transactions, I’m assuming your ticket sales end before the event, correct?

If so, right before you are due to start scanning tickets, filter all of those Approved registrations with Incomplete transactions and change their status to Pending Payment (be sure NOT to notify the registrations when you do this). Now when they scan their tickets the app will show they are pending payment and I assume they will be asked to pay somewhere at the event… at which point you can force the app to check them in (the app will NOT change their status back to approved).

There is a caveat when doing this, you will need to make sure your event is closed off from registrations before switching them (set ‘Display ticket selector’ to no, I’d also advise setting the ticket sale end date/time to be something BEFORE the event starts). If you don’t do the above the event will show as tickets being available right before the event starts (because the registration have switched from Approved and no longer apply to the sold values).

Also, you won’t be able to identify which registrations were once Approved and have now been changed to Pending Payment so if you have other registrations sitting at Pending Payment you wont know the difference between those (but that’s a similar situation to what you would be in with your solution anyway), use a CSV report before doing the switch above for that.

The above involves a little more admin work to ‘fix’ the registrations but is much less work than trying to alter the Pending Payment status to act like it’s Approved.


December 20, 2023 at 3:10 am

Hi Tony and Garth,
thank you for your replies. Unfortunatelly it dones help us.

May I ask why its more complicated? The TXN status for each registration is easily visible at a glance.

It is extra admin work. Registrations are opened till last moment, there is no one sitting behind the computer to check the transactions at the time of the event. We are already using the suggested snippet.

It is possible to check for these, you would need to scan the tickets in lookup mode:

In the amount of people coming, clicking there and back in the app is extra time that we don’t have.

However following point is the most important. One hour in reserve is not long enough.

Well, what if there is one last spot available, but three people pay via bank transfer at the same/similar time? One will get the spot (and EE will be in correct state), but two other would overpaid. Lots of administration with refund, angry unsuccesful registrants who thought they got the spot and paid immediately…

I understand, EE does not have this function.


  • Support Staff

December 20, 2023 at 9:00 am

It is extra admin work.

I still don’t follow here, how is this more complicated than adding pending payment registrations to the sold values?

Registrations are opened till last moment, there is no one sitting behind the computer to check the transactions at the time of the event. We are already using the suggested snippet.

I’m not saying check the transactions, I’m suggesting you take a couple of minutes before the event opens to switch the ‘Approved/Incomplete’ (Reg Status/TXN Status) registration to be pending.

Again it’s a much simpler approach than what you are trying to do above.

In the amount of people coming, clicking there and back in the app is extra time that we don’t have.

Yes, as mentioned, it’s not an ideal solution but switching the registrations before the event works around that.

However following point is the most important. One hour in reserve is not long enough.

I’ll need more details on this, 1 hour isn’t enough reservation time on the ticket? How so? What do you consider enough in that situation?

I understand, EE does not have this function.

It does, when you use a DRS of Approved.

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