
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Convention event with multiple sub-events

Convention event with multiple sub-events

Posted: May 28, 2014 at 5:02 pm


May 28, 2014 at 5:02 pm

Forgive me if this has been covered elsewhere on the forum. I have taken over developing a wordpress site for a client who wants to use EE for their yearly conventions. They will need an overall event with a ticket price, and numerous free events that are only available to people who have purchased the convention ticket (or have it in their shopping cart). Additionally, there are a few optional events that cost extra and can be purchased even if the user doesn’t have a convention ticket.

What will be the best way to set this up using EE? Thanks in advance for your help.


May 29, 2014 at 5:52 am

Hi Jefferson,

Right now Event Espresso does not have any parent-child relationships for events.

As such there is no way to require the purchase or previous purchase of an event before others become available.

The best solution I have for people in a situation like yours is to use a membership plugin to turn the site itself into the main “event” – so they register and pay to join the site. Then use Event Espresso to deal with registering for internal events.

You can use the WP User Integration add on to set specific events as member only (thus site login required) or not (non logged in users can register). You can also set different prices for logged in and logged out users effectively making it more costly to not buy the main event (site registration) ticket.

If you need clarification on anything please let me know.

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