
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Contact Details (2)

Contact Details (2)

Posted: March 4, 2019 at 4:48 pm

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March 4, 2019 at 4:48 pm

My client wants to be able to save the contact information associated with each registration so that he can easily contact the registrant via his cell phone. He also needs to make notes about each registrant. I see that he can go into the Contact Details and see the phone number and email, and make notes, but I don’t see a way to click on the phone number to make a call. It’s automatically in Edit mode when you click on it.

Is there a way to use the contact details page more easily with a mobile phone, or is there a way to integrate the contact details with the contacts on a mobile phone?

  • This topic was modified 5 years, 11 months ago by socialsparkmedia.
  • This topic was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by Garth.


  • Support Staff

March 5, 2019 at 6:16 am

Hi there,

Is there a way to use the contact details page more easily with a mobile phone,

If you load your own custom template, you could alter this section –

A clickable link that will automatically load the number in your phone.

Would that work for you?

or is there a way to integrate the contact details with the contacts on a mobile phone?

I’m not really sure what this means, can you add more details?


March 5, 2019 at 12:40 pm

Thanks, Tony. Yes, it sounds like a custom template might help. When you say “automatically load the number in your phone” do you mean that clicking it will dial the number from your phone, or that clicking it will copy it to a new contact on your phone?

What I meant by the other question is, can name, address, phone, email and notes details in the contact details on EE be exported/imported easily into the phone or Gmail contacts? That would be ideal. My client is an older guy and I need to make it as seamless as possible for him.



  • Support Staff

March 6, 2019 at 10:31 am

When you say “automatically load the number in your phone” do you mean that clicking it will dial the number from your phone, or that clicking it will copy it to a new contact on your phone?

When you click on it, it will load the number into the phone application you are using on the device (because you can have a different ‘phone’ application than the default one installed) but will not auto dial it. Most devices will not auto dial as there’s nothing preventing me from adding a premium rate number to a site and forcing your device to call it.

Android (and likely iOS but I’m an Android user) actually allows for this already without changing anything, but it’s a little more user-friendly the other way.

For example, if you go to the section I mentioned above and tap on the number in android, it will do this:

Tapping on that bar at the bottom loads the number into your phone application:

Obviously, you can then call the number but… it can be a little temperamental and sometimes doesn’t detect the number meaning you don’t get the bar on the page so I recommend the custom template.

I was going to give you an example function that you could use to allow you to load a custom version of the template for the above section, however, I’ve created a ticket for us to include this in the next version of EE so before you start with anything custom lets see if there are any objections for those changes from the team first.

What I meant by the other question is, can name, address, phone, email and notes details in the contact details on EE be exported/imported easily into the phone or Gmail contacts? That would be ideal. My client is an older guy and I need to make it as seamless as possible for him.

The only way I know to do that is by generating a vcard that he would download, open and save as a contact etc we don’t have that functionality so would require custom development.

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