
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Conditional Tickets

Conditional Tickets

Posted: November 23, 2023 at 1:41 am

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November 23, 2023 at 1:41 am

I am trying to setup an event. My setup is such that we have registered members and non registered. Each of them has three types of tickets. Early bird, Late and on site tickets. So far all this is ok since I can use timings to ensure availability when the time comes.

Now here is where I get into problems. I have other optional tickets. eg
1: Add Spouse/Child
2: Add Trading Table
3: Add Exhibition booth.
4: Add exhibition staff
5: Add Merchandise

I would want this tickets to be only available if one has selected either a member or non member ticket. If also possible, I would also want one to be able to select available booth.The last 4 tickets dont require user information registration since they are not extra attendees.



  • Support Staff

November 24, 2023 at 7:18 am

Hi there,

We don’t currently have conditional logic within Event Espresso, meaning you can’t have tickets that are only available if another ticket is selected at this time.

The last 4 tickets dont require user information registration since they are not extra attendees.

EE events can be set up to require registration data for either the first ticket selected, or all tickets, we don’t have the option to add specific tickets that don’t collect registrant information with others that do.

The way I would recommend adding those last 4 options is using a 3rd part add-on called the price modifier add-on:

That allows you to add registration questions that have ‘values’ which are added to the EE transaction and they aren’t ‘tickets’ so do not require registrant info.

Will that work for you?

You can then just set up your ‘Add Spouse/Child’ option as an additional ticket for the user to select so that EE requests the registrant information for them.

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