
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Concurrent Event with Conditions

Concurrent Event with Conditions

Posted: February 28, 2016 at 10:49 pm


February 28, 2016 at 10:49 pm

Hi, we are looking for a plugin/software that can manage a complex event with many classes to choose from. (i.e. 40 per day).
We would ideally like to set the booking with conditions i.e. if they book into class A they can’t book Class B

Is there an add on that can manage this in Event Espresso, we have been using EE4 over 2 years now.

Thanks, Jo


  • Support Staff

February 29, 2016 at 5:21 am

Hi Jo,

we are looking for a plugin/software that can manage a complex event with many classes to choose from. (i.e. 40 per day).

This can be achieved with multiple tickets within a single event (and multiple datetimes if you want more control) although you’ll need to make sure your servers ‘max_input_vars‘ limit an handle that amount of tickets, you may need to request the limit is updated on your host (or update it yourself)

We would ideally like to set the booking with conditions i.e. if they book into class A they can’t book Class B

This is currently not available with Event Espresso and would require custom development as EE doesn’t restrict users from purchasing any tickets that are available within the event (as long as they are active tickets).

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