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Concierge Log Ins

Posted: December 16, 2014 at 7:17 am

Darnell Price

December 16, 2014 at 7:17 am

With either the developer license or the Files add-on, would we be able to make it possible for concierges to have their own logins, as opposed to using a code during the process. So a concierge would log in using their credentials, then hand it over to the attendees to register and pay and so on. It would then be in the system that they signed up under that account and that concierge, through that login, would have access to a listing of their archived and current bookings (only theirs) to reference from. They would also be able to manage their own bookings in case of changes as well.

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

December 16, 2014 at 11:02 am

Hi Darnell,

There isn’t currently a concierge option in Event Espresso. There is a My Events shortcode that can be used by an attendee to view and edit their registrations:

However, it will not link associate a registration for an attendee to another member in the system.


Darnell Price

December 16, 2014 at 12:51 pm

With a developer license, how much room do we have to work with in terms of adding custom programming on top of Event Espresso to possibly add this function?


December 17, 2014 at 4:22 am


The closest thing to that would be the Roles and Permissions basic and pro addons (Pro is the one I’m thinking of, but basic is a requirement for pro to work).

The way it would work is that you would assign a person a specific role such as Event Manager and they can create events and only manage those events.

You may still need to build upon this with custom development should it not meet your requirements.

I would recommend installing and having a play with Roles and Permissions Basic and Pro (both are included in your licence) on a development server and see if they come close to your requirements.

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