
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Checkout Error – The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is

Checkout Error – The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is

Posted: August 31, 2012 at 12:17 am

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John Rowan

August 31, 2012 at 12:17 am

Although I have an active account and am using the provided login and transaction key, I get the following error when testing.

“The merchant login ID or password is invalid or the account is inactive.”

I have my account set to test mode and have the check box selected in EE for “Account Uses development Server”

This is very frustrating.

Here is our URL

  • This topic was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by John Rowan.

John Rowan

August 31, 2012 at 3:19 pm

Any help on this? I bought a $179 license and “1 Year of Upgrades and Support” – where is it?

John Rowan

August 31, 2012 at 3:42 pm

I had used “Account Uses development Server” because my account was in test mode. I turned this option off in EE and left my account in test mode. The transaction successfully went through.

After receiving an email that the payment was processed, I followed the link to “View Your Payment Details.”

It displayed a page with the short code “[ESPRESSO_PAYMENTS]” but nothing else.

Are there directions to setting this page correctly?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 11:14 am

What is set as the Thank You page in your Page Settings in General Settings?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 11:15 am

Also: I noticed you are adding .html to the end of your URLs. Try removing that and letting the URL be just /thank-you/ and see if you still have the problem.

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 11:30 am

I was able to complete a test transaction without any problems

thank you page

John Rowan

September 4, 2012 at 11:57 am

Greetings Chris,

Did you receive a confirmation email after purchase? If so, please try to click “View your payment details.” It has been taking us to a blank page with the shortcode.

> Also: I noticed you are adding .html to the end of your URLs. Try
> removing that and letting the URL be just /thank-you/ and see if you
> still have the problem.

How is this done?

Chris Reynolds

  • Support Staff

September 4, 2012 at 1:40 pm

Did you receive a confirmation email after purchase? If so, please try to click “View your payment details.” It has been taking us to a blank page with the shortcode.

I didn’t see it come in, so I assumed I didn’t get it. I just checked my spam and found it and can confirm the issue. However, I noticed the URL change from the correct URL that I got after the checkout (where the screenshot above came from) to the one with .html at the end, so I think that may be what the issue is.

Also: I noticed you are adding .html to the end of your URLs. Try removing that and letting the URL be just /thank-you/ and see if you still have the problem.

How is this done?

I assume you set this manually in your permalink settings. WordPress doesn’t generally append .html to the addresses unless it’s been specifically told to do so.

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