Posted: March 20, 2014 at 9:57 am
Since there is no option to pay at day of event by cash, I had to edit the ‘check’ code to have ‘cash’ in it. The way it works in general does not work well. I have a very unhappy client: After you click ‘Confirm…” it give you a confirmation number but then still has the payment option below….they get confused… No – it really doesn’t work fine because it is CONFUSING. I just attempted to sign up for my Cherry Blossom class and when I go to register is says My competitor makes people who pay cash come to studio BEFORE the event and pay. This is NOT popular and I do not want to do this and the way it says WHEN I clicked “Pay when you arrive” box, it takes me to a window thatbasically repeats the window before…including the “Offline Payment Options” and the Pay when you arrive box! The little tab at top of web address says “Thank You” but the PAGE needs to say THANK YOU for registering and it should not look like the previous page or have that Offline Payment Option section AT ALL. It could just And then a reminder that payment is DUE at time of event and can be either cash or debit/Credit. When I made the first test I received 4 emails from Website advising me of the reservation and SIX (6!!!) to my personal email address as if I was client. |
Hi Dorian, I think it may work out better to use the Invoice payment option and then you can add instructions on how to pay at the door within the invoice payment instructions. |
Ill try that…Thanks. You guys should add a Pay at the Door or Cash option. |
Will the invoice option still show the payment option again at the bottom after confirming? |
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