We are looking for posibilities to immediately see a booking fom EE in the recommendations table in affiliateWP´s partner area. There sales are not seen immediately but after payment is confirmed. A solution could possibly be created by changing the status of each booking handed over by Event Espresso. Now every booking is handed over as of type “sale”. If I´d change this to type “opt-in” I´ll get some more options to handle visibility from within AffiliateWP. I need a tip where (in which file or part of code) to change this. Anyone can help?
Show that status as “Opt-in – assigned to referrals generated by an email opt-in form (see Opt-in forms section below)”, that wouldn’t really happy to EE submissions, they are purchases so use ‘Sale’.
However, the Affiliate WP add-on uses hooks that fire when the registration is finalised or paid which explains why you don’t see them until in AWP until payment is made/registration finalized.
When exactly are you looking to start tracking these? Once the registration complete the attendee information step?
You’re going to need custom code to do this as its not something Event Espresso currently supports.
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