
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium change the content of the page linked with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] Shortcode

change the content of the page linked with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] Shortcode

Posted: October 29, 2012 at 4:39 am

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Peter Meier

October 29, 2012 at 4:39 am

How can I change the content of the page linked with [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] Shortcode?


October 29, 2012 at 5:04 am

Hello Peter,

What exactly are you trying to change? That shortcode turns the page into a list of events, and is needed by the plugin.

Peter Meier

October 30, 2012 at 5:14 am

Hello Dean,

thank you for your fast feedback 🙂

It is this …
after you registrate for the event (look here

you get this page enter image description here

I want change this page in this way that the visitors know exactly what they have to do.


October 30, 2012 at 5:25 am

Hi Peter,

It looks like it is the payment_page.php template that you are needing to amend. You can copy that file to your uploads/espresso/templates directory and edit it there.

And sorry, I registered for the event in order to double check it, so please delete me!

Peter Meier

October 31, 2012 at 4:11 am

Hi Dean,

How can I change the following words in the document, see here enter image description here

the expression “Überweisung/Vorkasse” should be deleted and the expression “Rechnung” and the expression “Überweisungen” (at the end of the picture) should be formatted as headline 2


October 31, 2012 at 5:29 am

Hi Peter,

As per our discussion on another thread, I would use the language files to change the words (remember to keep a copy of the language files on your computer).

If I am correct that this is the Bank Transfer (Electronic Funds Transfer) payment option, then to add a link you would have to amend the gateway files event-espresso/gateways/bank/settings.php.

This can be copied to your uploads/espresso/gateways/bank directory.

Peter Meier

November 1, 2012 at 4:35 am

Hi Dean,

you are correct, we activated the Bank Transfer payment and in addition the invoice payment.

I am changed the language-File “event_espresso-de_DE.po” in the directories “wp-content/languages/” and “wp-content/plugins/event-espresso/languages/” …
After that I made a test, but the changes were not transfered.

What do you mean with:”… then to add a link you would have to amend the gateway files event-espresso/gateways/bank/settings.php. This can be copied to your uploads/espresso/gateways/bank directory.”


November 1, 2012 at 4:48 am

Hi Peter,

The language issue is related to the one we are discussing in another thread.


What do you mean with:”… then to add a link you would have to amend
the gateway files event-espresso/gateways/bank/settings.php. This can
be copied to your uploads/espresso/gateways/bank directory.”

What I mean is that in order to chnage that title into a link you will need to modify the code in the settings.php file.

If you just modify the file any changes will be over written when an update occurs.

As such certain files can be copied to the uploads/espresso directory and modified there, then any updates will not instantly delete your changes.

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