I’d like to use a template with sidebar widgets for the Events List page, but a full width template for the Events Registration page. Is there any way to do this? Thanks!
This topic was modified 11 years, 12 months ago by Lucinda Dalrymple.
Yes and it is via your theme. The [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortocde should be on your main Event Registration page (defualt is called Event Registration) and the [EVENT_LIST] shortocde should be on a separate page.
When you edit those pages on the right is a section called Page Attributes and in there is a section for Page Templates. If your theme supports it you can select a full width template or sidebar template and update the page.
Excellent! That’s exactly what I needed. Thanks again for you usual succinct, helpful, and amazingly quick response.
Just FYI, I have my main (showing in the nav bar) page set to the page that contains the [EVENT_LIST] shortcode, as it’s the one that shows the list of events. When they click to register for a particular event, they go to the page with the [ESPRESSO_EVENTS] shortcode (not in the nav bar), which gives them all the registration info questions.
No problem at all, and yes thats usually my set up as well, the Event Registration page is hidden to work its magic behind the scenes and the Event List page is what is showing on the menu, mainly as you can manipulate that shortcode with more ease.
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