
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Change or Eliminate Acknowledgment Email When Registration Completed

Change or Eliminate Acknowledgment Email When Registration Completed

Posted: July 4, 2013 at 2:55 am

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July 4, 2013 at 2:55 am

The EE system changes the screen informing person they just registered which is good. Then an AUTOMATIC email is sent to that same person. That is the problem:
Your registration is pending for approval from event admin. You will receive an email with payment info when admin approves your registration.

Our events are FREE so the payment info statement is confusing people.
Our Volunteer Coordinator controls the different emails that are sent from within EE – that works great.
QUESTION: Can we turn off the ack email sent automatically? Can we change it easily?


July 4, 2013 at 4:41 am

Hi Lawrence,

The pre-approval system wasnt originally intended to be used with free events, so there isnt an option to change the wording. YOu can edit a core file to do it but we really don’t recommend doing so, as the changes will be over written on update.

If you still wish to then you need to edit the event-espresso/includes/functions/email.php file, near the bottom of it you will find the text “Your registration is pending for approval from event admin. You will receive an email with payment info when admin approves your registration.” and can amend that.

Turning it off completely would be harder, the only easy way would be to disable pre-approval, but that kind of defeats the purpose.


July 4, 2013 at 6:37 am

Thanks Dean. Our system (EE) manages 300 volunteers per event (over 7000 vols per year). We manage them by sending the Acknowledgment, Confirmation, Reminders, etc emails within EE. We may have paid events but the majority are unpaid.
The registrant already gets an Ack message on the screen (can that text be altered?) so the embedded Ack email seems redundant.
Would love to see a switch or someway to manage this embedded Ack email.


July 5, 2013 at 3:18 am

Hello Lawrence,

As mentioned the pre-release message can currently only be edited via a core file edit, which is less than ideal, but I doubt it will be resolved until pre-release is added to 4.X.

The general payment confirmation and registration emails can be edited in the following places:

General Settings: This will edit the default emails for every event
Event Editor: This will edit the emails for just that event
Email Manager: This will create defined emails that can then be chosen easily across different events selectively.

Messages on screen can be changed by either editing the appropriate template, or using one of these methods to translate the text:

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