
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Cannot update event espresso

Cannot update event espresso

Posted: December 12, 2012 at 4:47 am

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Steven Phillips

December 12, 2012 at 4:47 am

Hi all, I am running event espresso 3.1.29.P My licence is active and as I have only one domain I thought it should allow me to get automatic updates, this doesn’t seem to be working. I noticed a few days ago that there is a new version available but when I try to download the file from the my account on the event espresso site nothing happens. Can anyone help? Steve


December 12, 2012 at 4:52 am

Hi Steven,

Are you receiving any error messages in the WordPress dashboard regarding your licence?

Are you receiving any error messages when downloading from your account?

I logged into your account and saw no issues, it downloaded the files correctly. Which browser are you using?

Steven Phillips

December 15, 2012 at 8:09 pm

Hi Dean, thanks for the prompt reply. Festive season has prevented me from getting back to you quickly. I attempted to update Event Espresso today along with a couple of other plug-ins. The other plug-ins updated Ok but once again Event Espresso didnt and the Update Plugins page gave the following message “An error occurred while updating Event Espresso:Update package not available”. I am using the most recent version of google chrome (23.01271.97 m).


  • Support Staff

December 15, 2012 at 11:09 pm

Hi Steven,

Please try downloading again.

Event Espresso is becoming a large file and we’re trying to reduce the size. It looks like you just experienced a a server timeout or something.

Steven Phillips

December 16, 2012 at 12:57 am

Hi Garth,

Thanks for the reply. I tried again to update from the update plugins page in WordPress but got the same error message. I also tried to download from the link at the top of my account page on the event espresso website but no dice…..the circle of thought spins and then it blinks back to normal. I have checked my downloads folder and nothing appears to be downloading. Thoughts?


December 17, 2012 at 1:06 am

Hi Steven,

I tested your account with no issues (using same Chrome version). I have reset your licence key. Can you log into your website and go to Event Espresso > General settings. Remove the key (cut it) save the settings and then re-enter the key and re-save the settings please.

The download links on the right hand side of your accounts page should work without an issue even if the automated update isnt functioning correctly.

If the licence reset doesnt work, can you also test with all other plugins deactivated? Occasionally if a plugin uses the same update system as ours there is a conflict.

Steven Phillips

December 17, 2012 at 2:05 am

Hi Dean, tried all your suggestions (resaving, deactivating all other pluins) and still no dice. I note that when I cut the key back into the site licence key box and pressed “save options”, the wheel span but nothing happened. In regards to the event espresso website I notice that on the downloads bar on the right hand side I do not have the lastest version of event espresso listed, only the version I am running 3.1.29.P

Maybe we should try another reset? Steve


December 17, 2012 at 4:47 am

Hi Steven,

I cant reset the licence now as its not showing on your account (if it isnt in the licence key bit in the settings it wont show).

Is it possible to get your login details in order to look into this?

If so, please send them via

Choose the “I am sending login info as requested” option and fill out the form

Please make sure you add the forum post link to aid us in case another team member picks up the email.

NOTE: login details need to be Admin level.

Steven Phillips

December 17, 2012 at 1:03 pm

Hi Dean, Thanks for the reply. I have submitted all my login details. Hopefully we can ascertain the issue. The licence is definitely sitting in the settings.



December 18, 2012 at 2:50 am

Hi Steven,

I had a look at the site and everything seems in order. However it was running extremely slowly, so much so that it timed out and gave server errors (error code 500) on me.

Now, my internet isnt the fastest in the world but I could access other non cached sites quickly and efficiently whilst waiting for yours to load so it isnt an issue my end.

I think this speed issue is why the update isnt working, it is timing out. Even loading up the dashboard was snail like.

I ran a few other tests on the site and it was intermittently shown as up and down.

Therefore I think you need to speak to the host regarding this and resolve that issue first. Once done you should have an easier time updating the plugin.

Steven Phillips

December 19, 2012 at 1:01 am

Hi Dean,

I must say you are a diligent professional and your research allowed me to identify that the root cause for the issue was the image file I loaded onto the website last week…I didn’t check its size (8MB) Doh! and following removal have successfully upgraded the version. Really appreciate your assistance 🙂

Have a great Christmas!



December 19, 2012 at 1:31 am

You are more than welcome!

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