
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Can the transaction interrupt while editing the classes?

Can the transaction interrupt while editing the classes?

Posted: May 21, 2021 at 8:31 am

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May 21, 2021 at 8:31 am


Can the transaction interrupt while editing the classes? Our admins sometimes needs to adjust the pricing or the seats count mid day or even when students are signing up. Can this interrupt the transaction and registration? is there a way this cannot happen because they need to do this from time to time.

Seth Shoultes

May 21, 2021 at 9:28 am

Hi Charlie,

It depends on what gets changed. For example, if you change the ticket prices as someone is registering, it could cause issues with the payment.

If you have Google Analytics installed on your site, then you can see what pages users are visiting using the Realtime tool within the Google Analytics dashboard. That way, you can double-check no one is registering for the event you want to update.


May 21, 2021 at 10:31 am

Ok thats good information.

How about changing the seat numbers like adding them?


May 21, 2021 at 1:40 pm

Changing seats would be the /class page url right?


May 24, 2021 at 2:10 pm

We will manage this by watching the analytics. Thank you!


  • Support Staff

May 25, 2021 at 3:30 am

I know this has been marked resolved now, but just a couple of notes for future readers.

How about changing the seat numbers like adding them?

Increasing limits whilst users are registering should not cause any ‘issues’, if you are on the last few of the tickets and users are hitting the site a user may see the ticket as sold out on one request and then not on the next, that’s about it.

Changing seats would be the /class page url right?

Apologies but I’m not sure what this means so I’m not sure where the URL comes into play here.

Changing ‘seats’ (tickets within Event Espresso) can change wat the user sees on the page. Changing limits is fine, changing the ticket name, will update dynamically on the page…. changing the price is different, that will ‘archive’ the original ticket and replace it with a new one with the new price set (this is to preserve the relationship between current registrations and that ticket and allows new registrations to use the new ticket).

We will manage this by watching the analytics. Thank you!

Making changes to tickets is best done at the quietest times so this is the best method to use. Doing so with active registrations shouldn’t cause major issues although could cause confusions for users registered so again, bext to do when no-one is actively registering.

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