
Home Forums Event Espresso Premium Can I create a "hidden" event for testing and certain members?

Can I create a "hidden" event for testing and certain members?

Posted: February 12, 2014 at 7:43 am

Bob Randklev

February 12, 2014 at 7:43 am

We have an upcoming event with 3 events live and taking registrations.

The committee wants to test the ticketing before the day of the event.

I created a new event, added a few users and expired the event so it didn’t show on the list and confuse the public.

I then tried to pull up on my iPhone and the event isn’t active it doesn’t show up???

I don’t want to build a demo site for one event test???

How can I create a private event, send the link to specific people to register then meet and test the login?


  • Support Staff

February 12, 2014 at 10:04 am

Hi Bob,

If you set the event status to be ‘Waitlist’ the event will not display on the front end but you can use that events URL to register.

The app should also show waitlist events.

To set the event as a waitlist event, edit the event and look in the event options (sidebar) you should see something like this

As you can see that event is already a waitlist event, change the dropdown and update the event.

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Event Espresso