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Can event espresso do this

Posted: June 11, 2015 at 2:14 am

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Evgeny Evgeny

June 11, 2015 at 2:14 am

Dear all,

event espresso seem to be a very sophisticated product. Still, it is quite important for me to check which of my requirements it can fulfill. Can somebody please have a look at them and see whether Event Espresso is a right product:

General idea
The general idea is to have a registration/booking system for a sport school. Participants of the school will all have individual login at a site and shall be able to register themselves on a class. subsequently they shall be able to cancel their registration. Also waiting queue is a very important.
Participants shall be able to see all the registrations they have done (at least the ones for the future)

Setting up an event
1. Administrator shall be able to set up days and times of events.
2. (Optional) It shall be possible to set up recurring events (e.g. a,, Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays).
3. (Optional) It shall be possible to set up exceptions from reoccurring events (e.g. not on December the 31st)
4. Admin shall be able to setup a max amount of even participants per event
5. Admin shall be able to adjust a max amount of even participants after event has been set up and after some participants have already registered.

Registration on event
6. Registered wordpress users shall be able to see remaining availability of places for a particular event.
7. Users shall not be able to see names of other participants, registered on event
8. It shall be possible to select whether registration of all users is auto approved or requires a manual approval of an administrator.
9. Registered wordpress users shall be able to register himself on a particular event.
9-1 (Optional). It shall not be needed to enter his username or email, or a telephone number for a user. This information shall be taken from his wordpress user account information.
10. Registered wordpress users shall be able to cancel their registration
11. (Optional) Registered wordpress users shall be able to see all their registrations for all events, but not registrations of others. In another words, any user shall be able to login and see all bookings/registrations he has done.
12. Administrator shall be able to register registered wordpress user on event without involvement of a user.
13. Administrator shall be able to cancel event registration of any user
14. If the maximum participants limit is reached, it shall not be possible to register on the event any longer.
15. (Optional) In case some event is already full users shall be able to put themselves in a waiting queue.
16. (Optional)There shall be some mechanism to handle the situation, when there is a waiting queue and place becomes available either due the the fact that some users have canceled their registration or because Administrator has increased the maximum amount of even participants.
17. Administrator shall have overview of all registrations of all users on all events.
18. Administrator shall get an email, when users registers himself on an event
19. Administrator shall receive an email, when user cancels his registration
20. If Administrator registers a user, user shall get an email
21. If administrator cancels registration of a user, user shall get an email.
22. (Optional) It shall be possible to send SMS notifications instead of/in addition to email notifications

23. The front end (seen to the users) shall be able to be customizable for Dutch language
24. (Optional) Front user interface shall have responsive design

Best regards.



June 11, 2015 at 3:22 am

Hi Evgeny,

Thanks for your interest in Event Espresso. If you haven’t done so already I would suggest taking EE4 for a test dive by signing up (for free) over at

I’m going to answer your queries based on EE4 which is the next generation of Event Espresso.

1. Administrator shall be able to set up days and times of events.
Yes, anyone with admin rights will be able to create events.

2. (Optional) It shall be possible to set up recurring events (e.g. a,, Monday, Tuesdays and Fridays).
It depends on your definition of recurring events. If you mean an event that runs over several date/times then yes. If you mean a way to automatically produce events over a period of time, then unfortunately no not at this time. We will be looking to introduce this feature as an addon in the future.

3. (Optional) It shall be possible to set up exceptions from reoccurring events (e.g. not on December the 31st)
Please see number 2.

4. Admin shall be able to setup a max amount of even participants per event
Yes, capacity can be set on a per ticket, per datetime or both basis. this allows a lot of flexibility for capacity.

5. Admin shall be able to adjust a max amount of even participants after event has been set up and after some participants have already registered.
Yes this is possible.

6. Registered wordpress users shall be able to see remaining availability of places for a particular event.
Availability for an event is available to anyone, logged in or out.

7. Users shall not be able to see names of other participants, registered on event
This data is not publicly available, though we will be releasing a shortcode to allow this should you wish.

8. It shall be possible to select whether registration of all users is auto approved or requires a manual approval of an administrator.
There is a Pre Approval system for attendees, which can be set on a per event basis.

9. Registered wordpress users shall be able to register himself on a particular event.
I’m assuming by this that you do NOT want no logged in users to be able to register for events? If so, the WP User Integration addon allows you to set a User capability for the tickets. If the user does not have this capability, they cannot purchase the ticket.

9-1 (Optional). It shall not be needed to enter his username or email, or a telephone number for a user. This information shall be taken from his wordpress user account information.
If the WP User Integration addon is activated, then the name and email is auto filled from the Profile. Otherwise the user would need to enter this data.

10. Registered wordpress users shall be able to cancel their registration
Not currently, we have plans to add this to the WP User Integration addon in the near future.

11. (Optional) Registered wordpress users shall be able to see all their registrations for all events, but not registrations of others. In another words, any user shall be able to login and see all bookings/registrations he has done.
As per 10, this is a planned feature.

12. Administrator shall be able to register registered wordpress user on event without involvement of a user.
Yes, admins can register attendees, from the admin dashboard. However, if you need the event logged under the user account you would need to be logged in as this user. I would recommend the (third party) plugin called User Switching.

13. Administrator shall be able to cancel event registration of any user
Yes, admins can change the status of any attendee (thus cancelling them).

14. If the maximum participants limit is reached, it shall not be possible to register on the event any longer.

15. (Optional) In case some event is already full users shall be able to put themselves in a waiting queue.
Waiting lists are not currently available in EE4. It’s on our to do list.

16. (Optional)There shall be some mechanism to handle the situation, when there is a waiting queue and place becomes available either due the the fact that some users have canceled their registration or because Administrator has increased the maximum amount of even participants.
See above.

17. Administrator shall have overview of all registrations of all users on all events.
Yes there is an overview built in.

18. Administrator shall get an email, when users registers himself on an event

19. Administrator shall receive an email, when user cancels his registration
Yes. Though users cannot currently self cancel without getting in touch with the admin – see number 10.

20. If Administrator registers a user, user shall get an email

21. If administrator cancels registration of a user, user shall get an email.

22. (Optional) It shall be possible to send SMS notifications instead of/in addition to email notifications
No, but we would like this feature one day.

23. The front end (seen to the users) shall be able to be customizable for Dutch language
The plugin is fully translatable, and you can get access to the translation files on Github and/or our Glotpress installation (website to translate the files). The EE4 Dutch translation is currently 28%, and we welcome further submissions!

24. (Optional) Front user interface shall have responsive design
Yes, to the best of our knowledge the plugin is responsive.

I hope I covered everything. If you have any more questions, please ask.

Also, don’t forget to give EE4 a test drive!

  • This reply was modified 9 years, 9 months ago by Dean. Reason: fixed typo in number 15

Evgeny Evgeny

June 11, 2015 at 5:09 am


thanks for swift reply. I will definately play around with demo. Just a few clarifications.

10. Registered wordpress users shall be able to cancel their registration
Not currently, we have plans to add this to the WP User Integration addon in the near future.
11. (Optional) Registered wordpress users shall be able to see all their registrations for all events, but not registrations of others. In another words, any user shall be able to login and see all bookings/registrations he has done.
As per 10, this is a planned feature.
I know it may be difficult to predict, but what sort of near future do you mean?

15. (Optional) In case some event is already full users shall be able to put themselves in a waiting queue.
Waiting lists are currently available in EE4. It’s on our to do list.
16. (Optional)There shall be some mechanism to handle the situation, when there is a waiting queue and place becomes available either due the the fact that some users have canceled their registration or because Administrator has increased the maximum amount of even participants.
See above.

Not very clear. Is it waiting queue already available or it is on to do list?


June 11, 2015 at 5:59 am


WordPress user cancellation – it is difficult to predict unfortunately. The best I can advise is that it is currently in the planning stages, with the view to work on it once the agenda is set. The feeling I got from the developer in charge of this is that he wants to work on it ASAP, but as always other factors may affect this. I know that’s not an ideal answer, but it’s currently the best I can provide.

Waitlists – my bad, that was a typographical error. It should read “Waiting lists are NOT currently available in EE4″.

If a waiting list is necessary you could, with some coding skills/a developer, create a faux waiting list from some hooks and a form plugin such as Gravity Forms. See this forum thread for an explanation:

Evgeny Evgeny

June 11, 2015 at 9:18 am



Regarding Waiting List. I may be asking a totally stupid question, but what this “how to WIKI describes then?” Is this is sort of workaround?

Lorenzo Orlando Caum

  • Support Staff

June 11, 2015 at 2:24 pm

Hello, the link that you provided is a how-to for Event Espresso 3.


Evgeny Evgeny

June 12, 2015 at 1:45 am


I see, that this feature has been discontinued

That is a pity!


June 12, 2015 at 2:00 am


It hasn’t been discontinued as such, it’s still available for EE3.

When EE4 was being made we needed to prioritise the features being worked on simply due to available resources, and wait lists fell further down the list. We definitely are going to add them to EE4 though, it’s a feature that many people would like to see added.

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