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Can EE support these features?

Posted: June 25, 2012 at 9:36 am

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Geoffrey Wade

June 25, 2012 at 9:36 am

I just saw the “Account” page ( of your new site. Very nice! I have a client who runs basketball events in various locations across the country. He needs a site that would have an “Account” page that would support the following:

1) edit account details (i.e. basic contact info including phone number, etc.) just the way you do on your account page

2) have a notification area just the way you do on your account page

3) have a “My Teams” area on the account page which would list all teams and links to “Register a New team” and View/Modify/Delete a Team.

4) Forms for team registration and modification will include fields such as team name, age division, roster details (player name, date of birth, etc. for each player). These details may be different for each event.

5) allow user to select from a list of events and make PayPal payment. Allow user to see status of payment.

6) allow site admin to login to back-end and download to CSV all team and roster info for each event.

I realize that EE can do #1 and #2. Can it handle #3-#5? I am a php developer so some custom coding (e.g. custom post types) on my side is not a problem.



  • Support Staff

June 25, 2012 at 12:54 pm

Hi Geoffrey,

#1 is possible, I should note that these are limited to basic name/address/email/phone fields. Custom fields are not included in the profiles.
#2 isn’t included with Event Espresso. That’s something that’s been custom developed for this site.
#3 You might try creating a custom post type for this. You’d also need to map that somehow to a custom contact form. Event Espresso doesn’t have any built in features that would manage teams.
#4 Custom registration fields are a standard feature of Event Espresso. You can test this out on the free test drive site:
#5 These are also standard features.
#6 There is a CSV/spreadsheet export reporting tool. The only limitation you might run into is the “team” creation. If the admin creates the teams, this should work. For now though, we don’t have a feature that allows for front-end user created teams.

Jason Christopher

August 13, 2012 at 10:57 am

could you elaborate more on administrator creating a team – i thin that would be great, i could export team lists, then i could enter their results, reimport for event history – display registration, custom and results fields in event description as results……pipe dream? …

can you clarify something – i cant seem to get a clear understanding of – does event espresso write custom fields to the wp users database? does event espresso call info from that database to prefill forms of logged in users?

  • This reply was modified 12 years, 5 months ago by Jason Christopher. Reason: typos and calify


  • Support Staff

August 13, 2012 at 5:04 pm

Hi Jason,

Event Espresso doesn’t have any built in features that would support team management. What I was thinking about in answer to Geoffrey’s question was something along the lines of a custom dropdown field on the registration form that someone could select to designate which team they played on. Their answer would get recorded with all the other answers from the registration form, so when you export the registrations for an event, you’d have that information.

With question #2, Event Espresso + the WP-user integration add-on adds a few new fields to the User profile page of the WP back-end. If the wp-user integration add-on is installed, and a logged in user has already filled out the additional profiles fields (see below) that the WP user integration adds, their stored profile fields will autofill on the registation forms. These are stored as meta key values in the wp_usermeta table.

enter image description here

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