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Camping Event Complex Configuration

Posted: May 28, 2014 at 11:30 am

Seven Grey

May 28, 2014 at 11:30 am

I’m trying to configure a complex event with 117 different possible pricing options.
the main ticket needs to have three choices:
1. registration for entire 5 day event –OR–
2. registration for weekend (2day) –OR–
3. single day registration
in addition, customers need to have the choice of adding items to their ticket such as breakfast, lunch, dinner, ice, dinner show or showers (priced by item). so I need to have options for them to buy 2 lunches, 1 dinner, 1 show in addition to the main ticket. the dinners/ice/show need to be linked to the main customer profile
customers need to have three options for discounts: early bird, member, or group or a combination thereof. they might get the earlybird, member, but not group.

I think I need to go with EE3 with a couple of addons but need to confirm which addons to purchase. do I need the ‘multi event registration’ and another? is there an addon to handle discount options like those for member/group/early bird?

for early bird discount, I was just going to manually adjust the price as the discount no longer became available. so that would be handled

for the member discount, we will allow them to choose this option on the honor system and not input a member ID or do any verification online. at the door they can show member IDs. so we won’t track it online

for the group discount, I think I’d be using an addon for ‘volume discount’ addon. is that correct?

please let me know if there is something I’m overlooking or need to address.

oh, my website I’m building is
fyi: I just downgraded from EE4 to EE3 because I was told it didn’t offer the features I needed

thanks in advance


May 29, 2014 at 1:24 am


I think you would probably be ok with EE3 and the Price Modifier (beta ) addon.

Price Modifier allows you to add questions such as “Do you want a t-shirt?” which then changes the ticket price. There are 2 caveats: it will NOT work with Multiple Event Registration and it will not accept a 0 price modifier.

If the early bird discount is simple, you could use the built in system to automate it for you (before X date all tickets get a flat/percentage discount).

Regarding the discounts, it sounds like Volume Discounts might be suitable here, but there is a problem. It requires the use of Multiple Event Registration addon, so if you use Volume Discounts, you cannot use the Price Modifier addon and vice versa.

Member discount, it sounds like you have this handled already, but for reference, the WP User Integration can apply a discount based on whether the user is logged in or not, which could possibly help you out.

So, EE3 can handle some but not all (at the same time) of your use case due to the way to two addons (Price Modifier and Volume Discount) integrate with the other addons.

Seven Grey

May 29, 2014 at 10:37 am

thx! after lots of reading, research and work, yesterday I completed 99% of what you recommended in your post. I was not aware about the idea of the wp user link to identify ‘members’. I think that will be a valuable option to be implemented for 2015 but because the WP site is only a couple weeks old, none of their members have registered on the site.
thanks so much for your advise and suggestions. it is a relief to confirm the path I went down yesterday is the correct one.


  • Support Staff

May 29, 2014 at 9:44 pm

That’s great. Do you have any additional question?

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