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Camp/Conference Needs

Posted: February 20, 2013 at 2:02 pm

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Teresa Reardon

February 20, 2013 at 2:02 pm

A parent needs to register three categories of camp participants –
1 staff
1 disciple
1 camper

Here are factors that we want to make sure are covered for Faith Camp:
1. Each category of participant pays a different amount.
2. Application needs to ask questions specific to type of participants (e.g. staff has to submit an essay)
3. How does the waiting list feature work? Is it first to pay or first to secure a slot?
4. Can we have a quota or separate waiting list for guys/girls – staff, disciples, campers?
5. Can registrants check the waiting list online? (We want to avoid receiving constant calls about the waiting list.)
6. Are you aware of what is require for online parental consent? Can we use an electronic signature?
7. Does that plugin provide for automated email of balances, confirmation letter? (Confirmation letters must be customized for guys/girls – staff, camper, disciple.)
8. Does registration require payment in full? (Are we able to require payment with registration, or allow partial payments? Will the plugin withhold payment requirements for folks on the waiting list?)

Conference 1. Some registering for the event don’t have to pay are we able to allow for that on our site?

General Questions about Event Espresso

  1. Is Event Espresso compatible with any databases?
  2. How do we assure people their info is secure? – we are going to be asking for personal info (e.g. medical information).
  3. How does the price of event espresso compare to the cost of others?
  4. Are there any hidden fees that will be put on the people registering?
  5. Will we be able to use one EE license for all our events? i.e. Will our different domain names be problematic? and (I don’t think so because they are forwarders only, but we just want to be sure)
  6. How often do they upgrade their software and add features? How does that effect the work you do for us? Will it automatically update, and how will that effect current forms?
  7. What type of reporting features does Event Espresso have? – track essential information, including registration numbers, attendance figures, payments, evaluations, and more. – FC needs a report of all participants that have balances due – Can the reports export to excel? – Report of number of staff, disciples, campers – paid/unpaid
  8. We noticed they have a calendar feature. Could we also use it as our event calendar for our website? Costs
  9. Is the cost $179. Is that per year?
  10. Is there a cost per registrant?
  11. We are applied for the Non-Profit discount.

Thank you for offering this. We are hoping to find out soon because the person making our website is waiting for the plugin.

  • This topic was modified 12 years ago by Jonathan Wilson. Reason: Removed phone number

Jonathan Wilson

February 21, 2013 at 11:45 am

Hi Teresa,

I noticed that Garth replied to your email. I will paste his response here.

I’ll try to answer your questions. It will also be helpful if you test Drive Event Espresso ( for free.

You can create multiple tickets per event then people can choose which ticket they need. The question form you create is the same for each ticket of an event. If you want different tickets to have different questions then they need to be different events. If you want people to register for multiple events at the same time you might want to use the Multiple Event Registration addon (

The waiting list just creates a separate event where people can register if the first event is closed or full. Then you choose who you allow in to the event.

You can require that people agree to a terms and conditions policy before they register using a required custom question:

Event Espresso sends automatic payment and registration confirmation emails. You can send other emails to people/attendees manually.

Event Espresso does require full-payment, but you could also create a ticket option that isn’t full-priced. But if they pay that lesser ticket price it will still show them as paid in full, you’d have to follow up with them with an invoice or modify their account with a balance to collect the remaining amount.

If you want to let someone in for free, I’d suggest just giving them a discount code to use for 100% of the cost.

Event Espresso is only compatible with WordPress. If you’re collecting sensitive information then you’ll want to be sure your website is secure.

Event Espresso is generally higher priced than other plugins, but we have better support, developers and more features.

You control your fees to customers, we don’t get involved there.

You can use Event Espresso on multiple websites, but we only support one website per license (access to our staff and documentation and upgrades).

We update Event Espresso every month with new fixes, upgrades, and features. As with all plugins and themes, we always recommend making a back up of your site before upgrading to be sure you have a contingency plan if something seriously goes wrong (which is rare).

We have limited reporting, but we allow you to export to excel to create whatever report you need (by transaction or answers to a certain question, etc.).

Event Espresso operates with an annual license, which you can choose to renew or not. We offer discounts to people who renew on-time, and those renewal offers expire when your license expires. It’s cheaper to maintain a license than to let it expire.

I hope that help. Let us know if I can do anything else for you.

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